Irish Daily Star

Kim outlaws ponytails to save socialism

Jeff’s wheelie stand-up bot


NORTH Korea has banned ponytails.

Anyone caught with one faces having their heads shaved and up to six months in jail.

The edict comes from dictator Kim Jong Un, who spotted folk from hated neighbour South Korea wearing their hair in the style.

The despot (40) is determined to wipe out fashion trends that are popular in South Korea.

Semi-transparen­t sleeves on dresses and blouses are also outlawed – along with jeans, dyed hair, long hair, staypresse­d trousers and shoulder bags.

Radio Free Asia quoted a source in North Hamgyong saying the rules had been set out in a video that explained ponytails “obscure the image of a socialist system”.

JEFF Bezos has invested in a fourwheele­d AI robot designed to make the lives of humans easier, it has been announced.

The world’s second richest person (inset) co-led a $22 million (€20m) seed funding for tech firm SwissMile, through


Expedition­s and

Chinese venture capital firm HongShan.

Swiss-Mile has been at the forefront of integratin­g artificial neural networks into robots with legs and wheels.

Its versatile quadrupeda­l robots can walk, drive, stand upright on two legs and manipulate packages with wheeled end effectors.

Previous demonstrat­ions of the bots have seen them solve their own problems, such as opening doors, negotiatin­g stairs and calling an elevator.

The company said it can bring any robotic machine to life through this “versatile AI framework that is independen­t of the robot’s embodiment”. Franziska Bossart, head of Amazon Industrial Innovation Fund, said: “The SwissMile team is building innovative real worldorien­ted solutions utilising embodied AI and robotics, bringing their expertise to industries.”

 ?? ?? BANNED: Ponytails
BANNED: Ponytails

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