Irish Daily Star

House about hard truth..


- ■■Owen CONLON

JUST 158 new social homes were built in the first three months of 2024 — out of the Government’s target for the year of 9,300.

The Department of Housing said a further 330 social homes were bought in the first quarter while 232 were leased.

However, the Department said most of the properties it is constructi­ng will be delivered in the final months of the year.

Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien said: “It is clear to see that record investment under Housing for All is bearing fruit in a robust delivery pipeline and a strong momentum is growing.


“It is very apparent that the ability of local authoritie­s to build social housing on their own land — in alignment with their Housing Delivery Action Plans — is pivotal to achieving costeffect­ive delivery at the scale required under current and future projection­s.

“We are working with them to ensure they can deliver on their full potential.”

The figures came as the annual report of the Residentia­l Tenancies Board (RTB) showed a drop of more than 20,000 registered tenancies last year.

The RTB said one possible cause for the fall was the removal from the register of historical tenancies which no longer exist.

However, the Institute of Profession­al Auctioneer­s and Valuers (IPAV) said it was proof positive that private landlords are continuing to “flee the market” because of rent pressure zones.

The IPAV said the decrease “confirms what agents are continuing to see throughout the country” in the form of increased pressure on the market caused by a shortage of properties.

IPAV chief Pat Davitt said: “In its report the RTB says that a possible cause for the decrease is the removal of historical tenancies from the register.

“This is no doubt part of the reason. IPAV has said for years tenancies that were ended were still counted in the live figures as landlords exiting the market often did not notify the RTB that they had left.

“Market intelligen­ce suggests that private landlords are continuing to exit what has become a two-tier market between those who can apply market rents and those who as a result of Rent Pressure Zone legislatio­n, find their situation is non-viable financiall­y.”

 ?? ?? UNDER FIRE: O’Brien

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