Irish Daily Star

Desire has sent her wild


MY flatmate is doing my head in.

She’s madly in lust with a new boyfriend. They’re like a pair of sex-crazed idiots.

Recently I organised my own birthday dinner in our flat and they ruined it with their kissing, groping and fumbling under the table.

I’d cooked a meal for close friends but by the main course, they were already in her bedroom, noisily bonking.

Now she’s accusing me of having a sense of humour failure.

She thinks I’ve become stuck-up and jealous because she’s getting loads of sex and I’m getting none.

How dare she be so immature?

JANE SAYS: Your flatmate is sexed up and excited.

Don’t expect to get any sense out of her at the moment because her emotions are all over the place.

No one could blame you for being angry. She behaved abominably and was deeply disrespect­ful towards you.

Wait until she’s sobered up before giving her a piece of your mind. She needs to hear she acted like an idiot.

Are you inclined to give her a second chance or is this where you think about moving on?

I’M moving to the city and my best friend has hit the roof.

She’s accused me of abandoning her. She believes I should have consulted her and I’m the worst person alive.

The reality is I fancy a change of pace in a different location. Is that such a crime? I’ve lived in my childhood village for 28 years and yearn for a busy life.

Maybe I won’t like it (as she keeps claiming) but surely I’m allowed to give it a go.

My firm are moving me to a different branch and my boyfriend has found a flat. We’re all good to go. Only she is making me feel responsibl­e for her happiness.

She’s angry and bitter and ruining what should be an exciting for me. She can’t stand the fact that I’m happy. She’s the most jealous, resentful person I’ve ever met.


Her problem is she always picks horrible partners.

At the moment she’s with an individual who bullies and pushes her around.

My current house has become her sanctuary. She comes here whenever her lover is drunk or abusive. It’s been like this for years with a variety of unsavoury individual­s. I keep urging her to sort her life out, only she never does.

Recently, she rocked up at midnight and started banging on my door. I was terrified. I rushed down to find her clutching a bottle of gin.

Then she sat at my table and slagged me off for the next three hours.

What did I ever do to deserve this?

JANE SAYS: Your bothersome friend is a drag and an energy vampire. It sounds like your big move hasn’t come a moment too soon.

You’re making the right decision. Putting your relationsh­ip, career and mental health first is absolutely right.

It’s very sad your friend has such an unhappy and complicate­d life. But you’ve indulged her for long enough.

Clearly, you’ve tried to help and advise her and she’s still no closer to sorting herself out.

You’re not a health profession­al; your home is not a refuge centre. You’re simply a normal woman attempting to get on with her life.

You have no way of knowing what really goes on inside her mind or house. You and your partner need to spread your wings but this woman is dragging you down.

Stop feeling guilty and don’t look back. Once you leave your current home, then a whole new world of opportunit­y will open up in front of you.

It’s sad that she can’t be happy for you but you were not put on this earth to please her.

As a parting shot, I suggest you give her the number for the Women’s Aid helpline on 1800 341 900 and urge her to make some significan­t and much overdue changes.

 ?? ?? A FRIEND IN NEED?: She wants to move on but her friend is determined to hold her back
A FRIEND IN NEED?: She wants to move on but her friend is determined to hold her back
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