Irish Daily Star

18 people killed by Israeli airstrikes


- ■■Keith ■■Keith FALKINER

THE father of an Irish-Israeli girl was who kidnapped by Hamas in October last year has criticised the Government for its recognitio­n of the state of Palestine.

Emily Hand, a dual Irish-Israeli citizen, was kidnapped by Hamas militants during the October 7 attack, and held as a hostage in Gaza for 50 days. She was released in November.

Her father Tom, who is originally from Dublin, has said that Ireland was instrument­al in the release of his daughter.

However, he feels that Ireland’s recognitio­n of a Palestinia­n state is a step which rewards Hamas.

“I’ve been a very proud Irishman all my life. I advertise the fact, I tell people, yes, I’m Irish and so on,” he said.

“I’m not so proud any more. I’m actually embarrasse­d, ashamed, to call myself Irish now.

“After what happened to Emily, and they (Irish authoritie­s) were integral in the whole process of it (Emily’s return), okay, she’s only an individual, but she was, is, an Irish citizen, and then knowing everything that Hamas has done, uh, okay, here is your reward then, for absolute violence.

PURE JOY: Emily Hand back in Tom’s arms after being released from Hamas captivity back in November

“Here’s your reward — we recognise you as a state. Nice one.”

Ireland, along with Norway and Spain, formally recognised the state of Palestine last month in what the Taoiseach said was “an act of powerful, political and symbolic value”.

The decision meant that the Government recognises Palestine as a sovereign and independen­t state, and has agreed to establish full diplomatic relations between Dublin and Ramallah.


Mr Hand said: “I don’t mind pro-Palestine, but when you’re pro-Hamas that’s a different ballgame. Really? You’re supporting that? Those three countries, they’re basically showing support for that. It’s wrong.”

Despite the trauma of being seized by Hamas gunmen and held hostage in dire conditions, Mr Hand is encouraged by the progress his daughter has made.

He tries to provide a sense of normalcy for Emily, and says that, despite one or two triggers, she is on track for a full recovery.

OVERNIGHT Israeli airstrikes in central Gaza killed at least 18 people, including children — a day after 33 were killed at a United Nations-run school sheltering displaced Palestinia­n families, health officials said.

Strikes hit the Nuseirat and Maghazi camps and Deir alBalah and Zawaiyda towns.

Four children and one woman were among those killed as well as the mayor of Nuseirat.

Israel’s army said yesterday it was still carrying out ground operations in central Gaza. It said its troops had killed dozens of militants, located tunnel shafts and destroyed infrastruc­ture.

Internatio­nal pressure is mounting on Israel to limit civilian bloodshed in its war against Hamas, with the top UN court concluding there is a “plausible risk of genocide” in Gaza — a charge Israel denies. in Nuseirat refugee camp in Gaza

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CARNAGE: People survey damage

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