Irish Daily Star

Teething troubles... but we got through


GLASS HALF EMPTY: Re-turn says it’s been a ‘solid start’ despite teething problems

IS the Re-turn scheme worth it? Shop owner AARON MASSEY says YES, while columnist LARISSA NOLAN says NO.

AARON Massey, shop owner in Windy Arbour, Dublin.

Aaron and his wife Aoife own the Costcutter community store.

He was one of the first to get the reverse vending machines - testing it out early as part of a trial.

Aaron explained: “We got this big alien spaceship in. But our clientele took the time and patience to investigat­e it. That teething period was helpful.

“We’re a family-run store and we pack a lot in - we have an off-licence and a deli, we do coffee and ice-cream.

“We pride ourselves on customer service. We’re aware families nowadays are struggling with shopping and utility bills.

“Now we’re charging them 15c on bottles of water, even if it’s only a deposit they get back. We thought, if so, let’s have everything here for them. We assist people at the till and get a staff member to help anyone who needs it.”

The couple’s twins, William and Chloe, 7, like to get involved, returning their bottles of Fruit Shoots.

He added: “It’s about making everyone part of the process. It seems to be going well.”

Larissa Nolan, columnist for The Star.

She said: “Ireland is becoming a country where if something is not forbidden, it’s compulsory.

“The Re-turn scheme is a ridiculous rigmarole for little reward - a contemptuo­us loading of yet another chore on a nation that is too busy working to pay rising costs to have time for it.

“It’s long-term counter-productive as it turns recycling into a punitive thing.

“This is what we get for doing our duty?” The columnist continued: “We already have the compost bag, the plastics and the paper and the glass bottles that we conscienti­ously lug out every week.

“Having to keep the containers in a pristine condition is also stupid.

“The people are doing their best and have borne enough of the drudge work.

“The whole idea is it increases the amount of containers that are recycled.

“I say a more effective move would be to ban supermarke­ts and big businesses from using all the endless, needless, wasteful plastic packaging on everything.”

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 ?? ?? PROUD: Aaron Massey with his wife Aoife
PROUD: Aaron Massey with his wife Aoife

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