Irish Daily Star


- ■■Chris HUGHES

RUSSIA has finally admitted it is at war with Ukraine and the West after insisting for more than two years that its brutal invasion is just a “special military operation”.

The change came as Moscow unleashed around 150 missiles at Ukrainian power installati­ons.

An estimated 1.2 million people were left without heat or lighting.

Until now thousands of Russians have been fined or jailed for up to seven years for referring to the conflict a war.

The announceme­nt of the change came from President Vladimir Putin’s mouthpiece Dmitry Peskov.

Raising the likelihood of further mass conscripti­on he declared: “We are in a state of war.

“Yes, it started out as a special military operation but as soon as the West became a participan­t on the side of Ukraine, for us it already became a war.


“And everyone must understand this for their internal mobilisati­on.”

The phrase “internal mobilisati­on” signals Putin’s aim to put the whole country on a war footing.

Yesterday’s missile strikes – the “largest attack on the Ukrainian energy sector in recent times,” according to one official – killed at least three people.

Facilities nationwide, including the largest hydroelect­ric plant, were hit by around 60 drones and 90 rockets.

The Kremlin said it was punishment for Ukrainian attacks in Russian border regions.

It came a day after Russia launched 31 missiles in a single attack on Kyiv.

Energy utility head Volodymyr Kudrytskyi said: “Even last winter, attacks on our energy system were not as large as they were last night.”

 ?? ?? RUBBLE: Ukrainian rescuers search for bodies
RUBBLE: Ukrainian rescuers search for bodies
 ?? ?? AGGRESSOR: Putin

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