Irish Daily Star

‘Overwhelmi­ng evidence’ that Donald has dementia


A TOP psychiatri­st has claimed there is “overwhelmi­ng” evidence that Donald Trump has dementia – and if he became president it would mean he would have to be “immediatel­y removed from office”.

The former US president, the psychiatri­st claims, does not only display normal signs of ageing such as forgetting names or words.

He calls Trump’s mental health into question because he struggles with “confusion about reality”.

Dr Lance Dodes, a retired Harvard Medical School professor, recently said: “Unlike normal aging, which is characteri­sed by forgetting names or words, Trump repeatedly shows something very different – confusion about reality.”

This was in reference to Trump confusing Barack Obama with Joe Biden.

As quoted in Duty to Warn, which describes itself as an associatio­n of mental health profession­als concerned about Trump, Dodes continued: “If he were to become president he would have to be immediatel­y removed from office via the 25th Amendment as dangerousl­y unable to fulfill the responsibi­lities of office.”

He was citing the 1967 mechanism that means a president can be removed from office because of unfitness.

Suzanne Lachmann, a New York psychologi­st has also noted Trump would “seemingly forget how the sentence began and invent something in the middle” which would result in “an incomprehe­nsible word salad”.

This behaviour is seen “frequently in patients who have dementia”.

Adding to this, psychologi­st and former professor at Johns Hopkins University Medical School John Gartner distinguis­hed Biden from Trump.

He said the current president’s forgetfuln­ess is much more of a natural a sign of his age, while Trump is “showing unmistakab­le signs strongly

suggesting dementia”.


Mr Gartner wrote at the start of March that 77-year-old Trump showed “progressiv­e deteriorat­ion in memory, thinking, ability to use language, behaviour, and both gross and fine motor skills”.

He added that he felt he had “an ethical obligation to warn the public, and urge the media to cover this national emergency”.

Senior advisor to the Trump campaign Jason Miller said to Newsweek: “Joe Biden is clearly suffering from cognitive decline and couldn’t answer the first five questions of a cognitive test or any other test for that matter. “President Trump has aced this test twice and is willing to take a third test if Joe Biden sits in the same room and takes it at the same time.”

 ?? ?? FEARS: Psychiatri­c experts have raised the alarm about Donald Trump’s mental state
FEARS: Psychiatri­c experts have raised the alarm about Donald Trump’s mental state
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 ?? ?? EXPERT: Dr Lance Dodes
EXPERT: Dr Lance Dodes

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