Irish Daily Star

Tame Dragons are gone to the dogs as Irishman says ‘I’m Out’

- ■■Cillian SHERLOCK

AN IRISH Dragons' Den contestant who took his healthy dog treats business before the UK tycoons last night has rejected their investment bid.

Richard Marles

(38), a Westmeath entreprene­ur whose company Park Life turns over more than one million euro in annual revenue, used the Dragons' trademark rejection line "I'm out" against them.

He appeared on the BBC One show alongside Labrador Penny, asking for £150k (€175k) for a five per cent stake in Park Life, whose flagship product is a frisbeesha­ped dog treat that can be thrown more than 40 feet.

The company says “Fris-bix” encourage dogs who struggle with recall to return to their owners' side for more.

Following an intense session in the Den, Mr Marles received offers from both Peter Jones and Touker Suleyman – but ultimately decided to turn them down.

The offers were the full amount of £150k for 30 per cent of the business from Mr Jones, and an investment of £75k (€87k) for 20 per cent from

Mr Suleyman.

Mr Marles said: "I considered the offer but given how much I have put into the company, I had to walk away.

“I got a good laugh out of them when I told them ‘I'm out' as usually it's the Dragons who say that.”

The Athlone-based entreprene­ur added: "But the real star of the show was Penny, my Labrador, who inspired our entire range of Park Life healthy treats.

“She fell asleep during my pitch, and the Dragons told me she was the most relaxed contestant they have ever had.

“She's usually a very chilled dog, so I used that as an opportunit­y to talk about our fastest selling product, the calming treat Chill-Bix, and she did a great job marketing the line.”

Park Life said it had recently signed a deal with Disney for a European licence to make dog and cat treats with the Disney branding.

Mr Marles, who is married with three children, said the idea for the company formed in 2018 when his family started baking treats for his pooch Penny at home.

“I ALWAYS get mistaken for Richard Madden. It’s so embarrassi­ng,” said Gossip Girl reboot star Thomas (28), of his fellow actor and Scot Richard.

“It first happened when I was in a Starbucks and a girl was like, ‘Oh my God! Are you who I think you are?’ I was like, ‘Yeah, yeah, it’s me!’ She asked for a photo and I was said, ‘Yeah, of course you can’.

“I was doing the whole thing but then she said how she loved me in Game of Thrones. I didn’t know whether to say, ‘Wait, no, that’s not me’. It was so embarrassi­ng in the end I just decided to be Richard!”

PERHAPS it’s because one of her first roles was playing her double in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace more than 20 years ago but Pride and Prejudice actor Keira gets mistaken for Natalie Portman.

She said: “Natalie Portman I get a lot. I get chased through airports. I feel quite sorry for her because she must get chased a lot because it’s happened like five times to me where someone’s been like, ‘Natalie! Natalie! Natalie!’

“I’ll even sign and take a picture as Natalie.”

DANIEL Radcliffe was walking down a street when a fan rushed over to say hi. Except, it wasn’t his autograph they want – it’s Elijah Wood’s.

“I’ve signed a picture of Elijah and we’ve said in interviews we would like to play each other in films of our lives,” said Harry Potter’s Dan on Lord of the Rings actor Elijah.

“I was on a red carpet in Japan and this man gave me a picture of Elijah. I knew I wasn’t going to get past the language barrier, so I wrote, ‘I am not Elijah Wood, signed Daniel Radcliffe.’”

BARBIE star Ryan Gosling seems to be the one who suffers most from this double act which often leaves him worshipped by Deadpool fans.

“People are often disappoint­ed when they find out I’m not Ryan Reynolds,” said Gosling, who at 43 is five years younger than Reynolds and is with Eva Mendes rather than married to Blake Lively.

“People are like, ‘Oh, can I get my picture with you?’ You go, ‘Sure’. They go, ‘I thought you were more muscly.’ Then I see them realise.”

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 ?? ?? PUP GRUB: Richard on Dragons Den and (inset) dog treat
PUP GRUB: Richard on Dragons Den and (inset) dog treat
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 ?? ?? TREATS: Richard with Penny
TREATS: Richard with Penny

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