Irish Daily Star

Prescripti­ons to be extended

- ■■Stephen MAGUIRE

Speaking outside court, the three complainan­ts — Carmel Connolly, Michelle Davis and Audrey Stanley — encouraged other people to “come forward and get support and not to leave it so long”. “There is help out there,” they said.

A second sister, Michelle Davis, described Davis as being a “bully to her”.

Earlier, Carmel Connolly read her own victim impact statement to the court. “I was very happy and innocent, then I felt shame and fear, feeling I was to blame and unable to tell anyone,” she said.

“I was abused by a monster,” she said, adding Davis was “a vile human being”.

“I can now get on with the rest of my life.”

PHARMACIST­S will be able extend certain sixmonth medical prescripti­ons for up to a year from next September, while GPs will be able to write 12-month ones from now on.

The Department of Health said some patients may be able to continue on their medication without visiting a GP for a repeat prescripti­on.

However, this will only apply to those written on or after March 1 and for certain medication­s.

A MEMBER of trad supergroup Clannad and uncle of pop star Enya died after choking on a piece of garlic bread while out socialisin­g with friends, his inquest has heard.

Noel Duggan took ill while dining with friends at Casadh an tSugain, in Loughanure, Co Donegal, on the evening of October 15, 2022.

Evidence of his sudden death was given before Donegal County Coroner, Dr Denis McCauley at Letterkenn­y Courthouse.

The inquest heard how friends and then paramedics tried to save the life of Mr Duggan but could not.

The musician (73) had been drinking with friends at the pub since about 2pm that afternoon.

Witness and friend of Mr Duggan, John Sweeney, told how he had met the musician around 2pm and they had decided to have food around 6pm after being joined by two other friends.

Mr Duggan ordered a starter but soon after he started eating it, he began to gasp for air and suddenly slumped forward in his chair.

The manager was called and he tried desperatel­y to perform the Heimlich manoeuvre on the star, who lived nearby at Teach Neili Beag in Loughanure, but this did not work.

Mr Sweeney then told the court how waitress Brid Sweeney began to perform CPR on Mr Duggan as she was given directions over the phone by the emergency services.


A defibrilla­tor was then sent for but it was too late.

Mr Sweeney told how paramedics arrived and tried to revive Mr Duggan and managed to remove what appeared to be a large piece of garlic bread from his throat using a long instrument.

A statement read out on behalf of Assistant Chief Ambulance Officer Brian Ferry stated he was off-duty but was

 ?? ?? PUB: Casadh an tSúgáin in West Donegal
PUB: Casadh an tSúgáin in West Donegal

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