Irish Daily Star

Reiner: Trump win a danger to democracy


STAND By Me director Rob Reiner has warned of the danger to democracy if Donald Trump wins the US presidenti­al election.

Ex-president Trump is the favourite to win the Republican nomination later this month, despite a number of ongoing court cases, which would bring him closer to a rematch against President Joe Biden at the November election.


“The question at this election is: do we want to continue 249 years of self-rule and American democracy,” Reiner said.

“Or do we want to turn it over to somebody like Donald Trump who has said that he wants to destroy the constituti­on, go after his political enemies and turn America into an autocracy?”

A MUM has seen her adult modelling career skyrocket — after her mug shot went viral.

Abbie Newman (28) spent four days in jail in November last year after being arrested for drunken shopliftin­g.

After her release she discovered her mug shot had been shared on ‘mugshawtys’ — an Instagram account dedicated to ‘hot’ felons.

The social media post changed Abbie’s life, increasing her OnlyFans subscriber­s.


She is now making up to $90,000 (€83,000) a month, has received modelling offers — and has even appeared on TV.

Abbie, from Atlanta, Georgia, said: “When I got out of jail, my mug shot was everywhere.

“People were joking ‘she didn’t steal from the store, but she stole my heart’.

“The first time I logged back on I had made $24k in a week even without posting anything!

“People compare me to Jeremy Meeks — his mug shot went viral his life totally changed too.”

 ?? ?? SAY CHEESE: Abbie Newman and (above right) her viral mug shot; (right) Jeremy Meeks also went viral
SAY CHEESE: Abbie Newman and (above right) her viral mug shot; (right) Jeremy Meeks also went viral
 ?? ?? DIRECTOR: Rob Reiner
DIRECTOR: Rob Reiner

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