Irish Daily Star

Aoibhinn calls out ‘vitriolic comments’ BACKLASH TO YES YES SUPPORT

- ■■Sandra MALLON Showbiz Editor

FORMER Rose of Tralee winner Dr Aoibhinn Ni Shuilleabh­ain has responded to social media users who left ‘vitriolic comments’ in response to one of her X posts.

The UCD associate professor had posted in support of a Yes Yes vote in the upcoming March 8 referendum­s, but received some backlash for her stance.

She wrote: “I’m all for disagreein­g agreeably, but it’s interestin­g how many vitriolic comments there are in response to this post… Almost like some people are discouragi­ng of women being in public life.”

Under her original post, Aoibhinn also revealed she is nine months pregnant with her third baby.


The UCD associate professor is already mum to two sons with husband Carlos Diaz.

Announcing the news, Aoibhinn – who previously dated Ryan Tubridy from 2009 until 2014 - shared a picture of her baby bump while urging voters to vote yes yes.

On Friday, March 8, Irish citizens will be asked to vote in two referendum­s to change the Constituti­on in order to provide for a wider concept of family and women’s role in society.

The proposals, called the family amendment and the care amendment, would make changes to the text of Article 41 in the Constituti­on.

Sharing a picture of her wearing a black MNA t-shirt, she wrote: “I’ll be voting YesYes on March 8 because marraige (sic) isn’t the only way to define family.”

She then joked with her social media followers on X that her misspellin­g of the word ‘marriage’ was down to the fact she is “nine months pregnant and obviously have brain swelling – power diverted elsewhere” - revealing that her third child was on the way.

Aoibhinn welcomed second baby in 2020.

She wrote on Twitter: “I want to thank all the wonderful staff, particular­ly the midwives, at the National Maternity Hospital who helped deliver our second son this time last week.” her

 ?? ?? JOY: Aoibhinn Ni Shuilleabh­ain in the image posted to her account on X
JOY: Aoibhinn Ni Shuilleabh­ain in the image posted to her account on X
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