Irish Daily Star

We’ll keep on battling for justice


- ■Paul HEALY Crime Journalist of the Year

THE mother of a murdered plumber and daughter of a hit and run victim say they won’t stop fighting for justice — as the chief suspect walks free from prison.

Notorious criminal John Mangan (54), who was previously alleged in court as being involved in the murders of mobster Martin ‘Marlo’ Hyland and innocent Anthony Campbell walked free from Portlaoise Prison just before 10am yesterday — having served time for firearms and drugs.

He is also a named suspect in the fatal hit and run of dad Anthony Flemming in December 2002.

Speaking exclusivel­y to this paper today, both Anthony Campbell’s mother Christine and Anthony Flemming’s daughter Rose said they won’t stop fighting for justice.

Mangan’s release also comes after he had only recently escaped custody at Loughan House open prison, before being caught and sent to serve the remainder of his sentence in the country’s maximum security prison in Portlaoise.

Yesterday, a white van was facilitate­d inside the front of the entrance of the prison — with Mangan seen jumping into the back of it and the driver then sticking up his middle finger at our cameraman as he drove out.


Sources say Mangan, a feared gangland criminal, has provided no address to prison bosses. He is now free to go wherever he wants — and there are fears that he could return to a life of crime.

Speaking exclusivel­y to The Star today, Anthony Campbell’s mother Christine said she did not want to comment on Mangan directly — but said she wanted people to know that she will not stop fighting for justice.

“I haven’t given up. I’m doing it for him, this is not about me.

“I just feel that Anthony has been forgotten about, let’s be honest. You’ve got to remember the guards that were on this case 17 years ago are all gone now. “Where is his justice?

“He was just doing an honest day’s work,” she said.

Mangan, of Whitestown Green, Blanchards­town, was among dozens of criminals arrested in relation to the shocking double murder of mobster ‘Marlo’ Hyland and innocent plumber Anthony Campbell in December 2006.

However, gardai did not charge Mangan despite considerin­g him a suspect.

In March 2012, journalist Paul Williams gave evidence in Dublin Circuit Criminal Court alleging Willie Hynes and John Mangan were responsibl­e for the double murder, and that the late Eamon ‘The Don’ Dunne acted as the getaway driver.

The reporter said two former lieutenant­s of Hyland were allegedly involved in the murders and named them as Hynes and Mangan.

Mangan was a key member of the gang that was led by Hyland.

Meanwhile, as recently revealed by this paper, Mangan was also named as a suspect in a horrific fatal hit and run incident that saw innocent Dad Anthony Flemming (48) hospitalis­ed and days later die from his injuries in December 2002.

Also speaking exclusivel­y to

The Star today — Anthony Flemming’s daughter Rose said she feared that the now released Mangan could again be a danger to society.

“I believe he has no respect for life and is a sociopath. He will hurt other people.

“It is only a matter of time. “There will always be something in the back of your mind when you speak up against these kinds of people.

“But if no one speaks then they continue hurting people. He doesn’t get to take my voice,” she said.

Rose also revealed that she’s currently writing to gardai — pleading with them to reopen the investigat­ion into her father’s death.

Tragic Dad Anthony had just gone to an ATM near Hanlon’s Corner to take out money to buy his kid’s Christmas presents and was crossing the road to flag down a taxi when a motorcycli­st knocked him down and then fled the scene.

Tragically, Anthony died on December 8, 2002, and a jury at a 2004 inquest found that his death was due to the hit and run. John Mangan, who did not attend the inquest, was named at it — with the hearing even detailing how a forensic test determined a bike helmet belonged to him, and how a man named him as the driver.

Garda Sergeant Dan Murphy told the court when he called to a garage, at the home of Dennis Rooney, he found the bike, a Honda 500, being repaired.

He also found a helmet which had damage to the front that was later linked via the test back to Mangan.

The inquest heard how Mr Rooney told gardai that the bike and the helmet belonged to John Mangan — but Mangan denied ownership and insurance certificat­es ultimately could not connect him to it.

The court also heard that in Garda notes Mr Rooney said Mr Mangan had told him he had hit a pedestrian who had walked out in front of him.

However, gardai were unable to forensical­ly link the helmet or any individual to the motorbike.

 ?? ?? SUSPICION: John Mangan was named as a suspect in the murder of Marlo Hyland (inset)
SUSPICION: John Mangan was named as a suspect in the murder of Marlo Hyland (inset)
 ?? ?? ANGER: Mother Christine spoke out
ANGER: Mother Christine spoke out
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 ?? ?? THUG: Mangan dived into back of a van on release yesterday; and (below) driver stuck up his finger on way out
THUG: Mangan dived into back of a van on release yesterday; and (below) driver stuck up his finger on way out
 ?? ?? LOSS: Shooting victim Anthony Campbell (top right) and hit-and-run victim Anthony Flemming (top left); (above) tragic Anthony with proud mum Christine
LOSS: Shooting victim Anthony Campbell (top right) and hit-and-run victim Anthony Flemming (top left); (above) tragic Anthony with proud mum Christine
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 ?? ?? FURY: Rose’s father Anthony was killed
FURY: Rose’s father Anthony was killed
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