Irish Daily Mirror

Cop drama hits close to home


EMMERDALE Virgin Media One, 7.30pm

Satisfied his tormentor can only be Rose, Will decides to call the mystery number. Jimmy is aghast at Will’s brazen approach as he shouts down the phone to ‘Rose’.

Then Will sees a video of her in Ibiza and realises the phone didn’t ring with an internatio­nal dial tone.

Nate is torn over the Scotland job offer. Belle is devastated to find out there’ll be no disclosure after her Clare’s Law applicatio­n.

Tom is watching and enjoys her distress.


RTE One, 7.30pm

It’s the day of Dean’s trial. Sharon is accosted by Bernie and protests her innocence again. Linda tries to support Sharon, who is also upset to be missing Albie’s first day at school.

In court, Sharon crumbles under the pressure of her cross-examinatio­n when informatio­n about her past is dredged up.

A situation quickly escalates that could have huge repercussi­ons for The Six.

Mo gives Stacey some pearls of wisdom before Stacey has to give her witness statement.


Virgin Media One, 8pm

While visiting Lauren in hospital and discoverin­g Dee-dee there, Joel issues another threat. Reporting it to Lisa, Dee-dee learns that Joel used to work for a firm that helped vulnerable young people.

Meanwhile, Jack prepares for his day in court. With the plea hearing over, Kevin chats to him while Abi watches Stefan and a woman having a heated row.

Paul is delighted as Gemma calls at the flat with Joseph and the quads are ready for their first day at school.

GRITTY, hard-hitting and very timely, The Tower returns for a third series.

It starts with the late-night stabbing of a teenage boy. As the 15-year-old bleeds to death, his friend screams for help – neither of them has a phone.

An off-duty paramedic does what he can, but can’t stop the bleeding. He then rounds on our heroine, DS Sarah Collins (Gemma Whelan): “I told him ‘you’re gonna be OK’. When are you going to stop this?”

The series taps straight into the issue of knife crime on our streets.

In another scene, news on a radio blares: “This is the 14th fatal stabbing this year amid a rising tide of gang violence. Why are the police so helpless to stop it?”


There’s another case where a young lad is arrested on suspicion of assault after punching someone at a shopping mall and hospitalis­ing him.

Everything is linked and there’s something much bigger going on.

As huge pressure and dissatisfa­ction with the police grows, Collins is determined to crack the case. But why is no one giving her any informatio­n?

Her investigat­ion soon finds itself at cross purposes with a covert operation led by Kieran Shaw (Emmett J Scanlan), who is working with Sarah’s old partner, Steve Bradshaw (Jimmy Akingbola), now deep undercover.

Meanwhile Lizzie Adama (Tahirah Sharif) , is back at Farlow trying to balance her new role as a detective with family life. Her path and Kieran’s are about to cross.

 ?? Over stabbings ?? PICK of the DAY
Collins and Co under pressure
Over stabbings PICK of the DAY BACK ON BEAT Collins and Co under pressure
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? BAD CALL Jimmy and Will with the mystery tormentor
BAD CALL Jimmy and Will with the mystery tormentor
 ?? ?? READY
Jack in court
READY Jack in court

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