Irish Daily Mirror


Freed crime boss Hutch rents out lodgings for local workers

- BY JOHN KIERANS news@irishmirro­

FREED crime boss Gerry Hutch has become the king of bed and breakfasts in Lanzarote, we can reveal.

He is playing his part in trying to solve the housing crisis in the sunny hotspot which has seen angry street protests at excessive tourism and the rip-off cost of accommodat­ion.

The leader of the Hutch crime organisati­on, 61, has opened a number of bed and breakfasts on the north of the Spanish island.

But he has banned any tourists staying in them and rents the rooms at low prices for 30 to 40 workers.

The majority are given long-term letting leases at a fair price and the move has won him goodwill locally.

The Monk, as he is known for his zero drugs and little alcohol lifestyle, has been living permanentl­y in Lanzarote. That’s since he was acquitted of the Regency Hotel murder of Kinahan henchman David Byrne by the Special Criminal Court in April last year.

It is understood he has increased all his business interests on the island and apart from buying properties to house local workers he has also invested in pubs around

Lanzarote. Irish tourists constantly meet him out and about around the bars and restaurant­s of Puerto Del Carmen where he lives and he openly talks to anyone who stops to chat to him.

However, he does refuse to do selfies and jokes to tourists they will only get into trouble having their picture taken with him.

Hutch and his wife a few miles outside the town and also own two other plush apartments next to them which they only let family stay in or rent to locals.

A source said: “Gerry is building up a substantia­l business providing lowcost rooms for local workers and the people in Lanzarote appreciate it.

“The lack of housing is a huge issue there and it has caused great tension especially with a shortage of cheap rental rooms or apartments for local

workers. Every bit of space is being taken up by tourists at sky high prices and the locals can’t afford to compete with them.

“Gerry Hutch has seen a gap on the market and has gone for it.”

Pals say most of Hutch’s business interests are in Lanzarote, they are registered with the Spanish authoriliv­e ties and he pays his taxes there.

One insider said: “Whatever about his criminal past he is playing with a straight bat in Spain and all his businesses are legitimate and above board. He is respected by all the local business community and the police.

“He is getting huge credit for providing accommodat­ion for local people and the move has won him a lot of respect and gratitude. He has no problem getting paid because the workers can afford it.”

Hutch survived an assassinat­ion attempt in Lanzarote on New Year’s Day 2016 from two Kinahan hitmen. They failed to find him in the pub he was in and he fled out the back door.

 ?? ?? BASE
Spanish island of Lanzarote
BASE Spanish island of Lanzarote
 ?? Gerry Hutch ?? PROPERTIES

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