Irish Daily Mirror



Eiffel Tower, Paris - An iconic fixture in the Parisian skyline since 1889, Gustave Eiffel’s 330 metre wrought-iron structure is a mustvisit. Whether you ascend the tower’s many stairs, take the lift or just marvel at it from the ground, it’s a breathtaki­ng sight.

Promenade des Anglais, Nice - You won’t want to miss out on a leisurely stroll down this famous seaside walkway – so-called because it was a favourite spot of English aristocrat­s who visited the area in the 18th century. This seven-kilometre stretch offers an unbroken view of sunny skies, sandy shorelines and azure waters. There are plenty of rest stops along the way, so you can keep your energy up as you enjoy a day in paradise.

Château du Haut-koenigsbou­rg, Alsace - Situated along the Alsace Wine Route, this imposing 12th-century castle is a sight you definitely don’t want to miss. Like something ripped from a book of fairytales, its pink sandstone towers offer an unparallel­ed view of the Alsatian plains from the Vosges Mountains.

Les Remparts de Saint-malo, Brittany - Walk the ancient walls of Saint-malo’s old town, with stunning sea views on all sides. The walls themselves were constructe­d between 1155 and the 1700s, and are steeped with history.

Cité du Vin, Bordeaux - This is a museum unlike any other, taking you on a deep dive into the world of wine and wine-making. In addition to being full of fascinatin­g exhibits, visitors can sign up to tasting experience­s, and you won’t want to miss the recently opened Via Sensoria, which takes you on a journey around the world through art, sound and, of course, wine.

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