Irish Daily Mirror

In virtual Command

Defence Forces using VR simulators for weapons and vehicle operators

- BY MIRROR REPORTER news@irishmirro­

OUR Defence Forces troops were put through their paces yesterday at a special training session at the Curragh to prepare for overseas deployment­s.

They got to grips with a Mowag armoured personnel carrier and a range of simulators as part of the training.

The Defence

Forces Cavalry and

Artillery Schools have invested in simulators in order to progress the training of weapons and vehicle operators.

These new VR capabiliti­es are employed to train our personnel ahead of deployment­s overseas and are seen as an essential tool.

Yesterday’s exercise highlighte­d the training capabiliti­es and benefits of these simulators, and how this evolution in training is benefittin­g the Defence Forces.

Trooper Niall Frain, from Ballaghadr­een, Co Roscommon, was pictured checking the turret of a

Mowag armoured personnel carrier at the Curragh Camp exercise.

We also got a glimpse of the interior of the Mowag, often used in deployment in dangerous, war-torn areas.

It comes as Tanaiste Micheal Martin has announced up to €8.6m in funding for a communicat­ions and informatio­n services workshop at the camp’s Defence Forces Training Centre.

The initiative is part of the Defence Forces Infrastruc­ture Developmen­t Plan.

The Tanaiste said: “Since I became Minister for Defence, my priority has been the transforma­tion and modernisat­ion of the Defence Forces. Enhancing the quality of Defence Forces infrastruc­ture and facilities is a crucial element of this change.

“This project will provide a cuttingedg­e facility enabling our troops to maintain essential communicat­ions equipment used by personnel and larger vehicle-based systems.”

 ?? ?? SITUATION IS IN HAND Trooper Niall Frain with some of the advanced kit
FUNDING Micheal Martin
SITUATION IS IN HAND Trooper Niall Frain with some of the advanced kit FUNDING Micheal Martin
 ?? ?? SOFTWARE Frain using a VR simulator
ON TOP OF IT Frain on a Mowag turret
ARMOURED Mowag personnel carrier
DEMONSTRAT­ION Commandant Joe Tynan explains the use of the VR simulator
WAR MACHINE Inside the Mowag
SOFTWARE Frain using a VR simulator ON TOP OF IT Frain on a Mowag turret ARMOURED Mowag personnel carrier DEMONSTRAT­ION Commandant Joe Tynan explains the use of the VR simulator WAR MACHINE Inside the Mowag

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