Irish Daily Mirror

PSNI release images following days of rioting on the streets

- BY MIRROR REPORTER news@irishmirro­

THE PSNI want to speak to these six people in relation to a number of incidents of disorder.

Assistant Chief Constable Davy Beck said police are appealing to the public for help to identify them.

It follows violent disorder in Belfast involving rioting and attacks since last Saturday.

ACC Beck added: “Over the course of a number of days, there were a number of people who were intent on causing incidents of disorder and attacking property, the public and police officers.

“We remain committed to identifyin­g those involved in a range of incidents across the city since the weekend and will be relentless in our pursuit in order to bring these offenders before the courts.

“Following a number of nights of disorder we have arrested 22 people and further arrests will be made.

“Four of these arrests have been as a direct result of being identified as part of our ongoing evidence gathering operation.

“The scenes we have been seeing across Belfast over the last week have been a disgrace and have no place in

Northern Ireland. Those who are intent on causing disorder or committing offences need to think of the consequenc­es of their actions.

“Rest assured, we will use all lawful means, tactics or tools at our disposal to gather evidence and arrest those involved in this criminalit­y.

“Think of the consequenc­es of your actions which could lead to potentiall­y prosecutio­n and a criminal record.

“By releasing these images I am hopeful that the wider community will help us identify these individual­s.

“It is in everybody’s interest, as well as in the interest of justice, that those responsibl­e are dealt with appropriat­ely and I would urge anyone who may have any informatio­n to bring it forward.

“I also encourage the persons within these pictures to contact police directly. In doing so they will minimise the impact on themselves, their family and their community.

“Anyone who may be able to identify any of these individual­s or provide any informatio­n about them such as their name, address or age is urged to contact detectives at Musgrave Police Station on 101.

“Alternativ­ely, informatio­n can be provided anonymousl­y to the independen­t charity Crimestopp­ers on 0800 555 111.”

Meanwhile, Chief Constable Jon Boutcher has revealed 120 officers from Police Scotland will travel to the North next Tuesday to support his workforce.

More than 600 PSNI officers are expected to be deployed on the ground this week with more protests and trouble expected before the additional officers arrive.

Mr Boutcher described his workforce as exhausted but said with the support of the Scottish forces they will have the resources to pursue those responsibl­e.

He added: “Through the National Co-ordination Centre we have ensured our voice has been heard because we cannot stand up and stand alone to deal with disorder like this anymore, we need support.”

The Chief Constable is considerin­g mobilising almost 250 police officers who have been left off the duty rota during the ongoing public disorder crisis because their contracts are part time.

These officers are not riot compliant but are fully trained to the rank of Constable, with up-todate training in firearms and first aid.

One part-time officer said: “We are basically sitting waiting to be asked to work. We are desperate to get in there.”

The scenes we have seen in Belfast have been a disgrace ACC DAVY BECK ON THE DISORDER THIS WEEK

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