Irish Daily Mirror

Priest’s ‘41 years of hurt’ from Church as abuser walks free

Victim says predator still a danger

- BY SEAN MURPHY news@irishmirro­

A PRIEST who was sexually abused by another cleric has slammed the Church for 41 years of hurt and warned his attacker remains a dangerous predator.

Fr Patrick Mccafferty, formerly of Rathmines parish in Dublin and now in Belfast, was assaulted for 17 years from 1983 when he was still a teenager.

His attacker is disgraced ex-priest James Donaghy, whose address in court when he was jailed in 2012 was Lady Wallace Drive, Lisburn, Co Antrim.

When Donaghy, 65, was sentenced to 10 years, Fr Mccafferty called on the Church to apologise for denying his claims of abuse from

1983 to 2000.

The Church finally apologised last week, more than 12 years later for the abuse by Donaghy, who left the priesthood in 2004.

The court judge branded

Fr Patrick Mccafferty him a sexual predator whose victim was susceptibl­e by virtue of his religious leanings.

Donaghy was released in 2017 after serving five years of his sentence – but Fr Mccafferty, 61, yesterday warned he remains a danger to society.

He told the Irish Mirror: “My ordeal started 41 years ago in 1983 and only now do I feel that it is coming to an end. “I made the abuse complaint in 2001 and my abuser was not convicted

until December 2011 and not sentenced until 2012. That’s 11 years later. That was agony for me. I nearly died. I nearly went under.

“It’s been a long, hard, painful road. My suffering is coming to an end.

“Although Donaghy was found guilty and put in jail, I didn’t heal.

“Things were left unsaid and the record needed to be put right.

“The Church had unfairly labelled me as a troublemak­er, as a nuisance. I think now with the apology, the record is straight. I needed to hear that for a very long time. I feel now that a great weight has been lifted from me since the apology.”

But Fr Mccafferty warned Donaghy, who lives in Belfast, is still a danger.

He added: “People should beware of him. He is a danger, especially to boys and young adult males.

“People need to keep an eye on him and monitor him. He is unrepentan­t.”

Bishop of Down and Connor, Alan Mcguckian, finally issued a Church apology last Thursday and admitted Fr Paddy was not “supported by the diocese when he should have been” and he apologised “most sincerely” to him. Fr Mccafferty revealed for “decades” after he was “raped and abused” he “suffered” complex post traumatic stress disorder.

He added: “I welcome the apology from the bishop. This has been a very long and painful road. It is an important step towards

further healing and recovery.”

James Donaghy

My ordeal started 41 years ago in 1983 and only now do I feel that it is coming to an end FR PATRICK MCCAFFERTY ON BEING ABUSED BY FELLOW CLERIC

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