Irish Daily Mirror

Fears of attack on Israel from two fronts

UN aid staff ‘played part in October 7’

- BY CHRIS HUGHES BY CHRIS HUGHES Defence and Security Editor news@irishmirro­

UN investigat­ed claims

NINE workers at the UN’S aid agency for Palestinia­n refugees have been fired after an investigat­ion found they may have been involved in Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel.

The possible involvemen­t of some UNRWA workers has been investigat­ed since January, when Israel raised the claims against the aid agency.

The UN’S Office of Internal Oversight Services said it found sufficient evidence pointing to nine employees’ potential involvemen­t in the attack, when Hamas militants entered southern Israel, killing 1,189 people and taking 250 hostages.


The investigat­ors reviewed internal UNRWA informatio­n, including staff records, emails and other communicat­ions data.

The UN watchdog said it also drew on evidence provided by Israeli authoritie­s but, as it didn’t get direct access to it, the agency could not corroborat­e the claims independen­tly.

UNRWA has been the main agency distributi­ng aid to Palestinia­ns in Gaza during the 10-month war.

The UNRWA – which denies collaborat­ing with Hamas – said that 200 of its staff have been killed.

THE Middle East is braced for an “imminent” attack on Israel by Iran amid fears it could be deadlier than previously feared.

US intelligen­ce has warned Tel Aviv that Tehran may be planning a “double-tap” onslaught, with missile barrages fired from both Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Hezbollah’s Tehran backers could try to overwhelm Israel’s air defence system to hit cities such as Tel Aviv.

The strike is being planned as revenge for a suspected Israeli blast last week in Tehran which killed visiting Hamas official Ismail Haniyeh.

Iran officials have warned for days that the attack is coming, raising fears of all-out war in the

Middle East. It is also thought Israel’s war cabinet is considerin­g a major pre-emptive strike against Hezbollah and possibly Iran if it detects preparatio­ns for large-scale missile strikes.

President Joe Biden has been told by US intelligen­ce that there will be two waves of attacks, one by Hezbollah from Lebanon, and one by Iran and the terrorist organisati­ons which it supports.

Hezbollah may plan to carry out ground assaults across Israel’s border, spearheade­d by its 2,500strong crack Radwan unit.

A further 50,000 regular Hezbollah fighters are believed to be ready.

US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said the Biden administra­tion had told Iran that the US

EU’S Josep Fontelles would defend Israel it was attacked.

He said: “We do not think such an attack is inevitable but we are trying to prevent it.”

US fighter jets are believed to be moving forward in the region to help Israel defend itself and protect US bases.

The al-asad US base in Iraq was hit by two rockets fired by suspected Iran-backed militia on Monday night, injuring several soldiers.

The EU’S representa­tive for foreign affairs and security policy Josep Borrell Fontelles said tension had brought the region to “the brink of a war of unknown proportion­s”.

He said: “All those standing in the way of de-escalation shall be held accountabl­e. We all must prevent

if another catastroph­e. The way forward is largely consensual: ceasefire in Gaza, now.”

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has admitted Israel is already in a “multifront war” with Iran and its proxies.

The Palestinia­n death toll from Israel’s war in Gaza last night reached 39,653, according to officials.

On Monday, Israeli fire during military raids in the occupied West Bank killed 10 Palestinia­ns.

An air strike on a village in southern Lebanon also killed four people.

Hezbollah responded with a drone attack on northern Israel that wounded at least seven people.

The way forward is largely a consensual ceasefire in Gaza now JOSEP FONTELLES


 ?? ?? PROBE
BLAST US base in al-asad, Iraq, is hit in rocket attack
PROBE BLAST US base in al-asad, Iraq, is hit in rocket attack WAR WARNING

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