Irish Daily Mirror

Bangladesh PM flees as 300 die in protests

Ousted Hasina wants to seek asylum in UK

- BY CHRIS HUGHES Defence and Security Editor news@irishmirro­ @defencechr­is


BANGLADESH Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has fled the country after weeks of violent protests that have left almost 300 people dead.

Shortly after Hasina, 76, fled yesterday with her sister, her palace in Dhaka was stormed and looted by rioters who had ignored a military curfew to march in the capital.

Asian media reported that Hasina had flown by military helicopter to India, but was heading for the UK to seek asylum. Her sister Rehana was said to have UK citizenshi­p already.

As news spread that Hasina had resigned after 15 years in power, thousands of protesters celebrated in the capital, waving Bangladesh­i flags.

On Sunday, 90 people had been killed in a single day as protesters clashed with security officials and the ruling party’s activists across the country.

The unrest began in mid-july when students began to campaign against preferenti­al quotas of government jobs being given to veterans of the war of independen­ce from Pakistan in 1971. Things turned violent after clashes between protesters, police and progovernm­ent activists at Dhaka University. Violence then swept through the country as the protests warped into a massive uprising against Hasina and her ruling Awami League party.

The government’s attempts to quell the demonstrat­ions with force prompted further outrage as almost 300 people were killed, leading to demands for Hasina’s resignatio­n.

Her decision to flee was hastened by the military, which pressurise­d her to

PATROL Army in Dhaka street yesterday step down. The tide turned when army officers began objecting to orders to open fire on protesters. Military chief General Waker-uz-zaman has now taken charge. He said: “Keep faith in the military, we will investigat­e all the killings and punish the responsibl­e.

“I have ordered that no army and police will indulge in any kind of firing. Now, the students’ duty is to stay calm and help us.” The UK’S Foreign Secretary David Lammy has called for a Un-led investigat­ion into the violence of the past few weeks.

Hasina, who was the world’s longestser­ving female head of government, won a fourth term in January in an election boycotted by the opposition over vote-rigging claims.

In 1975, her father, Sheikh Mujib Rahman, the first leader of independen­t Bangladesh, was assassinat­ed, along with her mother and three siblings.

Hasina lived for years in exile in India, but returned to take over the Awami League. She is credited with building infrastruc­ture and promoting female education and employment. But there were claims of violations of human rights and press freedoms.

 ?? ?? DEMO Thousands defied curfew to march in Dhaka
DEPOSED Sheikh Hasina fled the country
DEMO Thousands defied curfew to march in Dhaka DEPOSED Sheikh Hasina fled the country
 ?? ?? Protesters storm PM’S palace in Dhaka
Protesters storm PM’S palace in Dhaka

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