Irish Daily Mirror

Shop torched by racist thugs

- Bashir yesterday

A SUPERMARKE­T manager said his business had been reduced to “ashes” after it was targeted by far-right extremists.

Bashir criticised police for their response to the violence in South Belfast and said Muslim businesses were being deliberate­ly targeted.

A clean-up operation was under way in the Donegall Road area yesterday following unrest which lasted for several hours the night before.

There was evidence of a number of fires on the road, with bins and vehicles burnt out.

Bashir, who did not wish to provide his surname, and his staff were removing remaining stock from his grocery store, which was ATTACKED set alight on

Saturday night. The front and inside of the business were extensivel­y damaged.

He said: “Too many things happened... it is against the Muslim community.

“Well, you can say there is nothing [left]. It is all dead, there is nothing left, some ashes only.

“People attacked this place, racism against Islam and Muslims, especially the Muslim community.” Asked if he would be able to reopen his business, he said: “I don’t know, we have to ask the police about that.

“When they stop all of that then we will talk about it.

“All of that happened and the police did nothing, I am telling you the truth.

“What kind of police are letting the people burn everything down?

“I don’t know where is the safety in that, it is all rubbish.” Bashir was clearly emotional when he added said: “How do I feel? I can’t describe it, empty mind, we couldn’t even sleep [last night], the words, I can’t even describe what has happened to be honest.

“There is no message for people like this. “When people do this, when people do something like this, you think they will accept the message?”

Across the road from the supermarke­t, a cafe seemed to have been completely destroyed by fire. The sign on the Bash Cafe offers Arabic coffee and falafels.

Windows were broken at the business and the interior was extensivel­y damaged by smoke and fire.

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