Irish Daily Mirror

Garda: russia and isis-k target ireland

Security unit boss on monitoring of spies from states

- BY PAT FLANAGAN news@irishmirro­

IRELAND is being spied on by Russia and a small number of other states, the country’s intelligen­ce chief revealed yesterday.

Garda Assistant Commission­er Michael Mcelgunn also disclosed that a suspected operative from the Islamic terror group ISIS-K (Islamic State Khorasan Province) recently tried to come to Ireland but was successful­ly stopped.

Commission­er Mcelgunn, who is in charge of the Garda unit responsibl­e for State Security, said there are a number of Islamic terror groups including ISIS-K which are being monitored.

This organisati­on is linked to the attack on the concert hall in Moscow in March CONCERN Mr Mcelgunn which killed over 140 people and has called for attacks in Europe.

He added: “We know that they have a presence in 17 or 18 European states, including Ireland.

“That said, our assessment is that they are not focussed in any attack in this state. What they are interested in is supporting and assisting in financing these groups.

“In the last couple of years we were successful working with partners to prevent a significan­t player associated with ISIS-K from relocating to this jurisdicti­on.”

Commission­er Mcelgunn said of particular concern are states such as Russia which are actively involved in spying here.

He said that states also seek to support extremists’ groups here and create mistrust in the Government.

The Assistant Commission­er for Crime & Security Intelligen­ce Service also said gardai are closely monitoring the people here they believe are spying.

In an interview for RTE’S This Week programme, he said: “What we are particular­ly concerned about is a handful of states who are involved in spying activities on sovereign soil with malign intent.”

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