Irish Daily Mirror


»»Gaza crisis deepens as Erdogan intervenes »»Netanyahu ‘plots’ major Hezbollah raid

- BY CHRIS HUGHES Defence and Security Editor news@irishmirro­

We must be very strong so Israel can’t do the ridiculous things to Palestine


TURKEY has warned it could invade Israel in a bid to protect Palestine, cranking up tensions in the region.

President Tayyip Erdogan slammed the ongoing attacks on Gaza and hinted at sending troops to fight in the war.

His warning comes amid fears Benjamin Netanyahu is plotting a major strike in Lebanon after Hezbollah was accused of killing 12 Druze Arab children in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights at the weekend.

Erdogan told his AK Party: “We must be very strong so that Israel can’t do these ridiculous things to Palestine.

“Just like we entered Karabakh, just like we entered Libya, we will do [something] similar exactly to them.”

It is thought he was referring to Turkey’s interventi­on in Libya in 2020 to support the UN recognised government of National Accord of Libya.

And last year, Erdogan said he was using “all means” including military, to support Azerbaijan, which launched an operation in Nagorno-karabakh.

Hezbollah commanders are thought to have “gone to ground or fled” in the countdown to an expected Israeli onslaught after the rocket attack on a football pitch in Majdal Shams.

Sources have claimed Israel’s delay in launching a decisive assault on the Iran-backed group after months of cross-border missile exchanges indicates PM Netanyahu may be planning a huge strike.

That could mean a ground invasion in southern Lebanon and strikes against Hezbollah backers in Syria and Iran.

One intelligen­ce source said: “It is unusual for Israel to take this amount of time to respond, and that indicates a much bigger military action.

“The attack on the Druze village at the weekend may have made that response even more expedient, possibly even bringing it forward.

“Now Israel is preparing targets and wants to take out Hezbollah’s entire military command who are going to ground or fleeing to Syria.”

The weekend rocket strike on Majdal Shams children marked the deadliest attack on civilians in Israeli territory since Hamas killed 1,200 on October 7.

According to Gaza’s health ministry, more than 39,000 Palestinia­ns have been killed by Israeli strikes since then.

 ?? ?? STRUGGLES Bombed out children are handed food in Gaza yesterday
HARSH WORDS Turkey’s President Erdogan
STRUGGLES Bombed out children are handed food in Gaza yesterday HARSH WORDS Turkey’s President Erdogan
 ?? ??

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