Irish Daily Mirror

Far out of Grange..

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it so much. It’s such a beautiful place. Family is there, friends are all there.

“Even just the sea and the mountains, you kind of have it all there really.”

The Grange Olympians knew of each other growing up without knowing each other. They went to different schools and are a few years apart.

Three years ago they both competed in Tokyo and the whole village came out to welcome them home.

O’donnell said: “We kind of joked that the next time we see each other is going to be in Paris and that’s what’s going to happen.”

On that occasion the pair were driven down the Main Street in open top cars.

O’donnell added: “It was lashing rain that night and

TRIUMPH Caroline Currid

people were still a bit wary about going out with Covid. But they still turned up in their numbers, so that was incredible.”

Grange is also home to Caroline Currid, one of the most successful sports psychologi­sts in the country.

Currid has worked with the Dublin footballer­s, Limerick hurlers, Munster rugby team among other top athletes. Both Grange Olympians have gained a lot from working with her and O’donnell is still in reaping the rewards of the Grange connection.

O’donnell said: “She’s been great to me. You know she’s always a text message away. So I appreciate having her.

“I’m lucky in a way because she’s so highly in demand.

“I really admire what she’s done in her career. So I definitely listen to her advice.”

As for Normal People?

Neither of them have seen it, but Streedagh Beach is a special place for both of them.

O’donnell said: “I avail of the sea for performanc­e reasons.

“Trust me, it’s always absolutely freezing in there. Absolutely freezing.

“So I kind of use it as an ice bath. It’s really a beautiful place.”

In the meantime the bunting and flags are up in Grange for the pair and excitement is at fever pitch there.

At least for the few people from the village that aren’t in Paris.

“They’re definitely getting very excited. I got to see a couple of posters up and some flags and bunting,” says Mcsharry.

“It’s a beautiful place. I think we have a great community, a great connection.

“I obviously grew up there my whole life, so I can’t compare it to anything else. But there’s just so much support in Grange and everyone really cares. I think that definitely helps a little bit.”

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 ?? ?? ALL ROADS LEAD TO The village of Grange in Co Sligo
TV HIT Normal People starring Daisy Edgar Jones and Paul Mescal
ALL ROADS LEAD TO The village of Grange in Co Sligo TV HIT Normal People starring Daisy Edgar Jones and Paul Mescal

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