Irish Daily Mirror

PSNI challenged after officers ‘join in’ celebratio­ns


UNIONIST politician­s yesterday challenged police chiefs over an incident in which police appeared to join in celebratio­ns after Armagh won the All-ireland.

The PSNI has launched an internal investigat­ion after video footage emerged that appeared to show police vehicles driving through the village of

Camlough sounding their sirens as people cheer from the footpaths.

Fans pass an Armagh flag to one of the vehicles and the driver holds it out of the window and drives on.

The DUP, UUP and TUV have all raised concerns, both from a road safety perspectiv­e and on issues around impartiali­ty.

Unionists have also raised concerns about footage showing Armagh flags erected around Lurgan police station.

Also yesterday the PSNI said two arson incidents on a lorry and a car painted in Armagh colours are being treated as sectarian related hate crime.

The incidents unfolded in the wake of Armagh’s dramatic one-point victory over Galway in Croke Park on Sunday to seal the county’s second ever All-ireland men’s senior football title.

DUP leader Gavin Robinson spoke to PSNI Chief

Constable Jon Boutcher yesterday, while TUV leader Jim Allister has reported the incident in Camlough to the Police Ombudsman watchdog.

Commenting on his conversati­on with Mr Boutcher, Mr Robinson said: “He is in no doubt of the need to reaffirm confidence in the PSNI’S impartiali­ty, integrity and profession­al standards. They weren’t on display last night in Camlough and questions remain about events at Lurgan PSNI station.”

UUP leader Doug Beattie described the incident in Camlough as “naive and reckless” and added: “I have already engaged with the Chief Constable and I’m confident this will be addressed.”

Mr Allister added: “They can be seen driving through the village, waving GAA flags in a fashion which could best be described as joyriding while using the siren improperly.”

In a statement, PSNI district commander for Newry, Mourne and Down, Superinten­dent Norman Haslett, said: “We are aware of footage circulatin­g on social media of our officers, driving Police Service of Northern Ireland vehicles, taking part in celebratio­ns following Armagh winning the All-ireland final. We have commenced an internal investigat­ion into the circumstan­ces surroundin­g this.”

 ?? ?? CONTROVERS­IAL Armagh flag is waved out of PSNI car
CONTROVERS­IAL Armagh flag is waved out of PSNI car
 ?? ?? QUESTIONS DUP leader Gavin Robinson
QUESTIONS DUP leader Gavin Robinson

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