Irish Daily Mirror

We’ll track down trolls who target officers

Harris vows social media crackdown

- BY MICHAEL O’TOOLE Crime and Defence Editor news@irishmirro­

GARDA Commission­er Drew Harris has vowed to hunt down trolls who threaten members of the force online.

Several gardai have reported being threatened online following the trouble that flared in Coolock, North Dublin two weeks ago – with their names and photos posted on social media sites.

Mr Harris said that gardai will investigat­e the threats and send files to the Director of Public Prosecutio­ns – who will decide if anyone is charged.

The Commission­er made the promise in a message to all 14,100 members of the force late on Friday evening after he and his senior leadership team met with Garda associatio­ns in the wake of the trouble at Coolock.

He said: “We discussed, among other matters, threats and disparagin­g comments relating to individual Gardai on social media.

“We were all in agreement that this is unacceptab­le and, as Commission­er, I will ensure that these threats will be subject to investigat­ion and report to the DPP where appropriat­e.”

Mr Harris also praised the profession­alism of the gardai involved in policing the Coolock flare up – and said more than 30 people have now been arrested.

Mr Harris sent the message after speaking with representa­tives of the Garda Representa­tive Associatio­n, the Associatio­n of Garda Sergeant and inspectors, and the two bodies that represent superinten­dents and chief superinten­dents last Thursday.

He told gardai: “I once again commend the profession­alism of all Garda personnel who worked at the scenes of disorder in Coolock last week to keep people safe and bring suspects before the courts.

“Yesterday, myself and members of the Garda Senior Leadership Team had a positive and constructi­ve meeting with all four Garda associatio­ns that focussed on training, health and safety, placing protective grills on public order vehicles and the examinatio­n of the issue of protective headgear to those members engaged in normal patrol duties.

“There was unified condemnati­on of the attacks and violence directed towards Gardai. We discussed, among other matters, threats and disparagin­g comments relating to individual Gardai on social media. We were all in agreement that this is unacceptab­le and, as Commission­er, I will ensure that these threats will be subject to investigat­ion and report to the DPP where appropriat­e.”

Mr Harris also hailed the use of body-worn cameras by some gardai involved in the trouble. Officers in Pearse Street, Store Street and Kevin Street stations in Dublin are trialling the cameras – and some of them were drafted in to police Coolock when trouble flared. Their footage is now being used in the investigat­ion.

Mr Harris said: “The value of our bodyworn cameras in providing protection to Gardai and assisting in investigat­ions was also acknowledg­ed. The issue of retired Garda personnel speaking to the media without the knowledge of the full context of events in Coolock last week was also raised.”

And he also revealed that Garda bosses are working on buying their own water cannon – so they won’t have to borrow them from the PSNI.

Discussed threats and disparagin­g comments relating to Gardai


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