Irish Daily Mirror


- horoscopes


March 21–April 20

Your natural charm and powers of persuasion will move mountains today. People are impressed by your ideas. Be certain to take advantage. There’s no need to put on an act if you need a favour. Ask directly and you will get what you are after far more quickly.

For more call 1560 932201

Taurus April 21 – May 21

Do what you feel is best for yourself and ignore what anyone else might suggest for you. Keep to your own methods and routines for this will bring the type of results you can be proud of. Friends and colleagues will respect your need to remain focused which means you should progress. For more call 1560 932202

Gemini May 22 –June 21

A surprise text or online conversati­on will get you thinking far more deeply about circumstan­ces you have been taking for granted. Someone needs reassuranc­e that you do take a joint agreement seriously. The promising and persuasion starts now.

For more call 1560 932203

Cancer June 22 –July 23

A new boss does not come across as being very charismati­c. It doesn’t look like they are winning the support of the workforce. You will be asked about reaction from your colleagues but other than sensing some disquiet among your team, people seem to be reserving their judgment.

For more call 1560 932204


New doors are opening up for you. As exciting as this sounds, some opportunit­ies won’t have been foreseen. They will need some careful thought before you decide on your reaction. This could mean considerab­le change in the future. A cautious partner is rightly nervous. Talk to them.

For more call 1560 932205

July 24 – August 23

Virgo Aug 24 – Sept 23

Reaching a goal you have in mind may not be as difficult as you think. Just keep your strategies to yourself. Rather than revealing your objectives to possible competitor­s, keep quiet. This strategy means you will avoid unnecessar­y attention until you are ready to take action.

For more call 1560 932206


Sept 24–Oct 23 You may have accepted a situation without asking questions because it seemed to be the done thing. You never looked at it any other way. A ritual or tradition no longer fits in with what is expected or accepted. There are other views to take into account and this is a good time to think about them.

For more call 1560 932207

Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22

Even if you usually enjoy your job, you’re feeling impatient and restless. Travel would seem like the ideal remedy but delays and hold ups would only cause you more frustratio­n. A senior colleague is hinting that they are leaving which means their position will soon come up for grabs.

For more call 1560 932208

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 – Dec 21

Your excitement for new opportunit­ies will be infectious. Don’t be surprised if you get an invitation to go on a fun journey or glamorous trip. This is your chance to explore places without breaking the bank. Even if the trip does turn out to be a bit disorganis­ed, it will add to the adventure.

For more call 1560 932209

Capricorn Dec 22 –Jan 20

Home and property issues will require your immediate attention. If you are selling your home and your property has been on the market for a while, an unexpected offer is worth considerin­g. If you’re in search of your own place, you could find the home you have been looking for. For more call 1560 932210

Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19

Joining forces with a creative friend or colleague will be exciting. While you excel in the technical side of things, you might feel lost when it comes to promoting your work. Put your trust in a glamorous person who can bring a touch of excitement to your joint endeavours.

For more call

1560 932211

Pisces Feb 20 – Mar 20

Two main areas are highlighte­d and these are: work and romance. Your creative ideas will bring benefits to your work. Colleagues are supportive and the atmosphere harmonious. This sense of relaxation will set the perfect mood for a romantic evening ahead.

For more call 1560 932212

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