Irish Daily Mirror

Who will take the bait?


DRAGONS’ DEN US SHARK TANK BBC3, 8pm THIS is the first ever shark tank live, which means a thoroughly American experience of yelling, whooping and cheering every time someone speaks.

Live in front of a studio audience, the Emmy-winning series features the Sharks who are the US versions of our Dragons.

They are renowned tech entreprene­ur Mark Cuban, real estate trailblaze­r Barbara Corcoran, brand-builder and inventor of over 1,000 products Lori Greiner, cyber security tech titan Robert Herjavec, founder of iconic fashion brand Daymond John, and purveyor of the cold hard truth, businessma­n Kevin O’leary.

They are unedited and unfiltered as they listen to entreprene­urs seeking to secure an investment that will change their lives for ever. First to pitch – and by pitch, it really is a performanc­e on a stage – are Stacy and Jeff who want to expose a dirty secret about the fashion industry.

Tons of underwear, made from plastic-based materials, end up in landfill. They have made stronger, softer 100% organic and plastic-free pants that you can plant afterwards – turning fashion into fertiliser.

Next are Nina and Sina, who have launched Oogiebear, which has products for picking the noses of babies. Perhaps the less said about this the better.

Finally, self-styled Mr Cheese, Tate, is promoting his Pizza Pack – basically a slice-shaped Tupperware. Do we need one? Absolutely not. Do we all want one? Right now, please.

But will any of the Sharks want a slice of Tate’s action?

It’s all extremely cheesy, addictive television.

 ?? ?? SHARKS ATTACK Raymond, Mark, Barbara,kevin, Lori and Robert
SHARKS ATTACK Raymond, Mark, Barbara,kevin, Lori and Robert

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