Irish Daily Mirror

€1000 Big Name Crossword


Solve the clues and the shaded squares will spell out words linking SARAH HARDING and KENDALL JENNER, then call or text the numbers below with your prize words for a chance to win €1000.


1 Delivers a speech to (9)

6 Emphasises (8)

10 Hot spring (6)

15 Encourage (7)

16 Rambles (5)

17 Districts (5)

18 50-50 chance (5)

19 Swing to and fro (4)

20 Takes clothes off a line (6) 21 Brought back (8)

22 Simpsons character (4)

25 Transgress­ed (6)

26 Body powder (4)

28 Further period of play (5,4) 29 Agreement (6)

31 Academic assessment (4) 32 Verge of exhaustion (4,4) 36 Marine fish (4)

37 1995 teen comedy with

Alicia Silverston­e (8)

39 Animated children’s

series, –mouse (5)

42 Kudos (7)

44 Astonished (9)

46 Rob with violence (7)

48 Place (5)

50 Youngster (8)

51 Badger’s burrow (4)

53 High and dry (8)

55 Having an injured leg (4) 57 Record player (6)

59 Heartburn (9)

61 Carve into a surface (4)

62 Explosions (6)

66 Channel Island (4)

67 Teeth specialist­s (8)

69 – Seagal, actor (6)

70 Charts (4)

74 Pinched (5)

75 Taunt (5)

76 Unsuitable (5)

77 List (7)

78 Swaggers (6)

79 Reaffirm (8)

80 Ocular tiredness (9)


1 Mine shafts (5)

2 Contempt (7)

3 Depart (4)

4 – Easton, singer (6)

5 Thoroughfa­re (6)

6 Hits at flies (5)

7 Come up from a dive (9)

8 Flies high (5)

9 Landscape spoilers (8)

11 Always (4)

12 Resign from office (4,5)

13 Flower-shaped badge (7)

14 Facet (6)

23 American state (8)

24 Casual chat (6)

25 Amphibious mammal (4)

27 Bomb holes (7)

30 Changing room (7)

33 Ancient Greek storytelle­r (5) 34 Ocean floor (6)

35 Act (4)

38 Big in size (5)

40 Smash into pieces (7)

41 Bodies (6)

43 Unit of measuremen­t (5)

44 Pace (4)

45 Cask-conditione­d beer (4,3) 47 Recline unmoving (3,5)

49 Stupid pupils (6)

52 Diana –, UK actress and

singer (4)

54 Lake used for storing

water (9)

56 Immoderate (9)

58 Motorway subdivisio­n (4,4) 59 Ceases (7)

60 Perspires (6)

63 Staying power (7)

64 Weed (6)

65 Demarcate (6)

68 Appears (5)

69 Chars (5)

71 Beer mug, often with lid (5) 72 Daring action (4)

73 English county (4)

 ?? ??

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