Irish Daily Mirror

Roderic’s not the image we want to put out.. it’s time for a new leader

Senator says she is the right person to be new party boss

- News@irishmirro­

votes. When the Irish Mirror tells her she is unlikely to win a Dail seat, Ms Hackett said none of the Green Party’s seats are safe.

She said: “I dispute that because I will work hard with communitie­s across Offaly.

“But there are no safe seats for any of the TDS at the moment. I’m in the mix as much as any of my Dail colleagues.”

Ms Hackett argued she is in the Dail “regularly” and sits at Cabinet so this would not impact her.

She added, “Hey, what’s wrong with being a Senator?” Mr Ryan was often a target of ire from rural politician­s, CEOS of airlines and online social media commentato­rs.

Ms Hackett said she “gets her own fair share” of abuse due to her being a Green Minister in the Department of Agricultur­e.

As she spoke in her office in Agricultur­e House on Kildare Street, security work was being done at her home following advice from gardai. There has only been one minor incident at her home and she said she has never been subjected to physical abuse.

Mr Ryan has served as a constant target for Ryanair boss Michael O’leary. Ms Hackeet said she would not let Mr O’leary “bully her” and would not engage with him if he was disrespect­ful. Ms Hackett added: “Ryanair won’t bully me if I’m leader. If he can’t engage in polite discourse, I just won’t engage with him.

But there are no safe seats for any of the TDS at the moment


That will be the same across the Cabinet.

“Just because he’s a CEO of a big organisati­on doesn’t give them the right to be rude to people.”

Ms Hackett wouldn’t directly answer if she would want a more senior ministry if she is elected leader on July 8, saying she was not thinking about a potential reshuffle.

However, she is thinking about the future and said she would be willing to lead her party into Government with Sinn Fein if they “got off the fence in relation to climate” and “make a bit of a move”.

 ?? Green hopeful Pippa Hackett
Louise Burne with Pippa Hackett ?? LAND GRAB
COLLEAGUE Minister Roderic O’gorman
Green hopeful Pippa Hackett Louise Burne with Pippa Hackett LAND GRAB COLLEAGUE Minister Roderic O’gorman INTERVIEW

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