Irish Daily Mirror

Soccer star pals killed on e-scooter ‘lovely young men’

Clubs remember teens after fatal bus collision

- BY CIARA O’LOUGHLIN news@irishmirro­

TRIBUTES have flooded in for the two teenagers who died after an e-scooter accident.

Pals Gilbert Collins, 15, and 17-yearold Avuzwa Idris lost their lives after the vehicle they were both travelling on collided with a bus.

The incident occurred before 2.10am on Thursday on the R680 Cork Road in Waterford city.

It is understood the youths were leaving a 24-hour gym in the area and were hit by a bus after coming from the footpath on to the road.

Gilbert was pronounced dead at the scene and Avuzwa was taken to Waterford University Hospital with serious injuries and passed away later that afternoon.

The boys have been described as “lovely young men”.

They were well-known in the area and both were promising young football players.

Gilbert, from Ardmore Park, was a member of Waterford Crystal Football Club and the club pay tribute to him.

They wrote: “To say everyone at Waterford Crystal is hugely shocked and saddened at the news that came through yesterday of the tragic passing of Gilbert Collins would be a massive understate­ment.

“Gilbert played for the club at various age groups and was part of our U16 squad this season, Gilbert was a very good player, teammate and friend but was also a nice lad.

“The club would like to pass on its deepest condolence­s to his family and friends at this really difficult time.

“Our thoughts are with his family at this terrible time.

“Our thoughts are also with coaches, teammates and other friends that Gilbert had in his time in Waterford Crystal.

“We would also like to pass on our condolence­s to the family of Avu Idris who also lost his life in this tragic accident.”

Avuzwa, of Crystal Mews, has been described as a fantastic football player who “always had a smile on his face”.


The teenager played for Villa Football Club. It wrote online: “The Villa FC community is hugely shocked and saddened at the news that came through yesterday of the tragic passing of our U17 player Avu Idris.

“Avu has played for the club for a number of years and was not only a very good player, but above all was a really nice young lad who always had a smile on his face.

“He loved football, playing with the club and his teammates and only recently took huge pleasure as he and his team won the Under 17 Cup Final.

“The club would like to pass on its deepest condolence­s to his family and friends at this really difficult time.

“Our thoughts are also with the coaches and teammates that Avu has had in his time in Villa.

“We would also like to pass on our condolence­s to the family of Gilbert Collins who also lost his life in this tragic accident.

“Sometimes life just isn’t fair and this is one of those occasions. RIP Avu.”

Gilbert recently completed his Junior Certificat­e at St Paul’s Community College. It is understood Avuzwa attended Mount Sion Secondary School.

Friends have paid tribute to the teenagers on social media. One pal wrote: “R.I.P Bro, will miss you”, while another said: “Rest easy Gilbert you will be missed.”

A third person commented: “Rest in peace, sending prayers to family”.

Mayor of Waterford City and County, Cllr Jason Murphy, said the deaths of the boys is “an awful tragedy”.

He said: “Our hearts go out to the families and friends affected by this devastatin­g loss.

“We can only imagine what both families are going through – for two young boys to die at such a young age.” It is understood there were no passengers on the bus at the time of the collision, only the driver.

Cllr Murphy added: “I hope that the bus driver gets all the support that they need over the next days and weeks ahead because it’s going to be very difficult for them as well.” Sinn Fein Cllr John Hearne said: “It’s an absolute tragedy, a young life lost is a terrible thing.

“It’s never a good time, so many good times ahead and they won’t see it now.”

A book of condolence­s has been opened for the people of Waterford to pay their respects.

It can be signed at City Hall, The Mall, and the Civic Offices, Dungarvan during the hours of 9am-4pm, Monday to Friday.

An online book is also available to sign on Waterford Council’s website.

The tragedy comes as electric scooters were made legal on Irish roads on May 20, 2024.

Anyone over the age of 16 can ride an e-scooter without a licence up to a maximum speed of 20 km/h.

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 ?? Waterford FC’S Gilbert Collins ?? ‘A NICE LAD’
Waterford FC’S Gilbert Collins ‘A NICE LAD’
 ?? ?? TALENTED Avuzwa Idris played for Villa FC
TALENTED Avuzwa Idris played for Villa FC

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