Irish Daily Mirror


Throat-slitting of animals bid to keep Muslims out

- INCIDENT Gardai in North Dublin EXCLUSIVE BY PAT FLANAGAN and MICHAEL O’TOOLE news@irishmirro­

THREE pigs had their throats slit at the State’s first major migrant camp in what is believed to be an attempt to keep Muslims out.

The animals were left to bleed out near the site at Thornton Hall in North Dublin but had to be later put down by a vet.

Gardai confirmed they are investigat­ing the incident which took place last Wednesday evening.

Similar incidents have occurred in the UK and Europe and are used to deter people of the Islamic faith from an area as they consider pigs unclean. A source told the Irish Mirror there is little doubt that this was the intention of those involved in this incident.

He said: “The three pigs were left on the Thornton Hall site and there’s no doubt that it was to keep Muslims off the land. These animals were butchered, well half butchered. They had to be put down later.

“They were left cut up and bleeding out but alive, it was shocking to look at. It’s not being reported but this has been escalating for weeks with numerous incidents of trespassin­g and criminal damage and nothing has been done about it.”

It is understood Thornton Hall, originally the site of a proposed “super prison” will be the first of the State’s first major migrant camps.

It is believed that up to 1,000 migrants and asylum seekers will be accommodat­ed there in the coming weeks.

A garda spokesman said: “A man (30s) was arrested and detained at a North Dublin Garda station for an alleged offence under the Criminal Justice, Public Order Act, 1994.

“He has since been charged and will appear before Swords District Court on Tuesday, July 16, 2024. Investigat­ions are ongoing.”

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