Irish Daily Mirror

We travelled across Ireland ... pint to pint

Kiefer recalls boozy three-week trip

- BY SANDRA MALLON Showbiz Editor news@irishmirro­

ACTOR Kiefer Sutherland has revealed how he “boozed” his way across Ireland.

The 57-year-old star is the son of fellow thespian Donald Sutherland, who died last week aged 88.

Kiefer has recalled childhood trips to Paris to see Donald as well as going to Canada and Ireland.

He said: “When I was three, we relocated to Los Angeles from the UK when my parents went there to work.

“Soon after, they split up and my twin sister Rachel and I moved to Toronto with mum.

“We visited our father in Ottawa, Quebec and Paris, where he lived. Every other year, we would see him for Christmas.

“Times were different in 1971. Then, us two five-yearolds could be sent on a plane alone and it was up to the poor stewardess­es to take care of us.” He said his father “gave us a real understand­ing of Europe” but admitted his last “proper holiday” was more than 30 years ago, when he included a road trip to Ireland.

He said: “The last proper holiday I had was to Kaanapali in Hawaii more than 30 years ago, though I have had some memorable

trips in the interim. I did a road trip across Ireland soon afterwards that could only have been designed by a young person with a lack of knowledge.

“I planned to go from Dublin to Dingle to Galway and back, stopping at every pub for one drink.

“It became clear after two days that I could visit only one pub in every town. It still took three weeks to travel less than 200 miles.”

Kiefer previously spoke to Ryan Tubridy on RTE Radio 1 in 2018 about his memories of the trip.

The Designated Survivor star said: “We just had a wonderful time. I think we made the mistake, me and a friend of mine, of trying to stop and have a drink in every


“And I think very quickly we decided we’d stop in each town and have a drink and even that became a challenge.”

 ?? ?? SIGHTSEEIN­G Kiefer with dad Donald Sutherland
SIGHTSEEIN­G Kiefer with dad Donald Sutherland

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