Irish Daily Mirror

Free Vote Friday


Friday saw the last of the BGT semi finals after a week of live shows featuring the very best* of British talent (*allegedly).

For, after the news Ofcom had official complaints about a drag artist dressed as the Titanic, some feared the 17-year-old contest was going to the dogs...

But that was not to be.

Rather sadly.

As Trickstars, the band of doggy dancers, were among the first to be sent home with their tail between their legs after failing to get a place in this weekend’s final.

Our nine-year-old Pride of Britain winner Ravi Adelekan and his Dream Team choir were also left disappoint­ed as the cold-hearted public somehow said no to these two..

Meanwhile it was a case of Cry Me a River, Phoenix Boys!... as the troupe of teenage Billy Elliots fighting for equality in the dance world, were left to rise from the ashes another day. What the public now face is a super tough vote. On one hand, there’s the master of misdirecti­on and illusion – with a knack for making other people’s money disappear – and the guys whose whole raison d’etre is to give things the chop. And on the other, the gang of average Joes finally singing off the same hymn sheet in the hope this is their turn in the spotlight.

There’s only one top prize.

So who will it be?

Rishi and his cuts-hungry Tories? Or a reunited Labour, having ditched its divisive Corbyn?

Jess joking. I’m talking about the magician, martial arts stunt group and Northhants Sings Out choir who are among the BGT finalists. Of course, if the Tories do win... That drag artist won’t be the only one left with a sinking feeling.

 ?? ?? DREAM
Ravi and Maya
DREAM Ravi and Maya
 ?? ?? ROLE OVER
ROLE OVER Trickstars

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