Irish Daily Mirror

Knifeman shot after launching horrific attack at far-right rally

- JEREMY ARMSTRONG news@irishmirro­

POLICE yesterday gunned down a knifeman who ran amok at a farright demonstrat­ion being streamed live on Youtube.

Shocking footage showed the bearded attacker stabbing an officer in the neck as he knelt over one of the injured.

His colleagues were heard screaming: “Throw the knife away!” But when he failed to drop the hunting blade, the knifeman was shot at point-blank range.

Activist Michael Stuerzenbe­rger, 59, was stabbed in the face as the man ran amok at the rally for the far-right Citizens’ Movement Pax Europa (BPE), in Mannheim, southern Germany.

The campaign group, formed in 2008, speaks out against what it calls the “Islamisati­on” of Europe and opposes the building of new mosques.

Mr Stuerzenbe­rger has been a member of several far-right groups, including the PEGIDA movement, which holds regular marches in German cities. His injuries were not thought to be life-threatenin­g.

The knifeman, dressed in a black jacket and tracksuit bottoms, was initially tackled by onlookers. But he wriggled free and jumped on top of one bloodied victim for a second time.

Five BPE members were injured, and the police officer who was stabbed in the neck remained in a critical condition in hospital last night.

The horrific attack was captured in its entirety by a cameraman who was live-streaming the event on BPE’S Youtube page.

It ended with paramedics arriving on scene to treat at least three victims in the cobbled square. Mannheim Police issued a brief statement after the attack but gave no informatio­n on the condition of the victims.

Officers in place for the demo reacted swiftly to the attack, at around 11.30am local time.

The statement read: “There is currently a major police operation on the market square in Mannheim. A

Violence is not acceptable in our democracy OLAF SCHOLZ, GERMAN CHANCELLOR

rescue helicopter is also in use. No further informatio­n can be given.”

Germany’s Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said it is up to investigat­ors to determine a motive for the attack.

She added: “If they find an Islamist motive, that would be confirmati­on of the great danger from Islamist acts of violence that we have warned of.”

Chancellor Olaf Scholz added: “Violence is absolutely unacceptab­le in our democracy.”

The stabbings took place in Marktplatz, a square in the downtown area. Mannheim, a city of 300,000 people, is 52 miles south of Frankfurt.

Stefanie Kizina, treasurer of the BPE, described the incident as an “act of terror”.

“This was planned well in advance,” she said. “Criticism of religion must be allowed.”

Mr Stuerzenbe­rger, who was punched at a 2002 rally, spoke of the threat of violence before the demo. Germany has taken in 2.2 million refugees since 2015, triggering a rise in groups opposing the policy.

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