Irish Daily Mirror

DJ hints at ‘wipeout’ of listenersh­ip

2FM reveals its new line-up for summer season

- BY SANDRA MALLON BY SANDRA MALLON Showbiz Editor news@irishmirro­

Gareth O’callaghan

GARETH O’callaghan blasted the station for pursuing a “disastrous business model” by hiring influencer­s and podcasters instead of music loving presenters.

Veteran disc jockey O’callaghan, 63, had a massive following at the height of 2FM’S glory days, but he says it was their passion for the music that won them an audience, and the station a loyal following.

He claims hiring social media stars is a folly because their followers have no love for or loyalty to the radio station, and they won’t stick with 2FM when their favourite influencer or podcaster moves on.

He describes 2FM’S clear-out of big names this week as “an avalanche - it’s like the side of the mountain has just collapsed. It’s a listenersh­ip wipeout for 2FM”.


He says RTE needs to put 2FM online replacing it with RTE Gold, which plays the greatest hits.

Gareth added: “Larry Gogan, Tony Fenton and all the other lads loved music and put music first and that was the foundation for the success of 2FM.

“What you really wanted to do in my day was impress the listeners and you did that by playing great music and having a bit of fun.

“We were a very solid crew and I think our focus was on making sure that the radio station was the priority.

“We were like a band and I was proud to be a part of that band.

“The joy for us was being on the radio because we were DJS playing music. We weren’t influencer­s. There was no one to influence.”

He added RTE should have placed RTE Gold on FM, called it 2FM Gold, and put 2FM on to digital.

RTE has revealed that Aifric O’connell will replace Doireann Garrihy, while David O’reilly and Lottie Ryan will take the 2 Johnnies’ drivetime slot on 2FM.

Yesterday marked the 45th anniversar­y of the crisis-hit station, which saw Garrihy, Jennifer Zamparelli and the 2 Johnnies depart in the space of a week.

Head of 2FM, Dan Healy, said the summer schedule is built with the audience in mind and that he believes the station has the “most exciting mission” in RTE.

He added: “2FM has always been programmed with a mix of presenters who have learnt their craft here with personalit­ies from outside who have built a profile with younger audiences.”

Kicking off on Tuesday from 6am, O’connell will replace Garrihy on 2FM Breakfast with Donncha, Carl and Aifric.

Laura Fox, who was announced as Jennifer Zamparelli’s replacemen­t will be on air from 9-12pm Monday-friday.

In for the 2 Johnnies, who hosted their last show yesterday, are Lottie Ryan and David O’reilly.

The pair will now present their own show, Drive with Lottie and David, between 3-6pm.

A spokeswoma­n said: “The ultimate messers, Lottie and David are set to make the nation’s commute a lot brighter and happier.”

Mr Healy added: “We are very happy that for the summer we are strengthen­ing our schedule with 2FM homegrown talent with Aifric, Lottie and David.

“I believe that 2FM has the most exciting mission in RTE.

“Our mission is to inform and entertain younger audiences with wonderful music, chat and sport.

“The summer is full of music and sport and that is where we will be.

“We will be working hard to continue to build a station with the next generation of 2FM presenters and there’s no shortage of those.”

Meanwhile, an emotional Garrihy said she has had “the time of my life” as she signed off from her final 2FM Breakfast show yesterday, describing her

David O’reilly and Lottie Ryan co-hosts O’callaghan and Mullan, as “brothers for life”.

Former rugby player O’callaghan told her on air: “I’d like to speak on behalf of your whole 2FM family here that have been along with you for the journey. We just want to say how grateful we are to you. You are an incredible teammate.

“You’ve been like a sister to the two of us. When we need someone at our back you’re always there.

“I’ve had brilliant teammates but you’re right up there, an unbelievab­le talent, a work rate like no one else has, your ability to keep going is incredible.

Aifric O’connell

I speak on behalf of myself and Carl, that ability, resilience to keep going when all of the rats are chipping away. We are so proud of you.”

Mullan agreed, saying Garrihy has “a work ethic like you’ve never seen before” and she’s “all round sickeningl­y talented”.

Becoming emotional, Mullan said Garrihy is “kind, she’s loyal and she’s been there for all of us in this team when there’s things going on in the background that might not make it to the airwaves”.

He added: “She’s the definition of a great teammate and a great friend, so Doireann thank you for every single second of the last three years.”

Garrihy said: “I want to thank the both of you from the bottom of my heart for every single day.

“It’s been the time of my enjoyed every second of it.

“And thank you to everyone outside the glass, I love you all and thank you for being so welcoming all the way back in 2019 when I came in the door and I didn’t know anyone.

“It’s an amazing place to work, the listeners you’ve been through thick and thin, phenomenal every single morning.”

I believe 2FM has the most exciting mission in RTE




Showbiz Editor

DICK Van Dyke’s career has lasted so long he won a lifetime achievemen­t award 30 years ago, and he isn’t finished yet.

Most famous for playing Bert, the dancing chimney sweep in Mary Poppins, the 98-year-old says he would love to go back out on tour.

American channel CBS recently screened the show Dick Van Dyke 98 Years of Magic, with stars performing hit moments from his career and in a new interview he told how he will never retire. Dick, who also starred in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, said: “I’d still like to do a one-man show.

“Cary Grant did it. And Gregory Peck. Went on the road and talked about their careers. It’d be fun.”

In a separate interview to promote the show he added: “No, retirement – I don’t use that word. If somebody asked me to do something, I’d be on a plane right away.”

His hit sitcom, The Dick Van Dyke Show, ran for five years and won him three Emmys in the 60s.

But he modestly insists he has never had any real drive and that his success has been fate.

“Well, it was a matter of just enjoying myself,” he told entertainm­ent website Deadline. “I always loved what I was doing.

“If it had felt like work, I probably would have stopped it a long time ago but I just loved it.”

Despite being just 18 months from turning 100 he recently starred in his first soap opera, a guest spot on Days of Our Lives, and says in general he


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 ?? ?? STATION SEND-OFF Colleagues say their farewells to Doireann Garrihy yesterday
STATION SEND-OFF Colleagues say their farewells to Doireann Garrihy yesterday

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