Irish Daily Mirror

Twisted Shakespear­e rapist returns home

Evil pervert released from prison

- BY NICOLA DONNELLY news@ irishmirro­

BRUTE Francis Condra, nicknamed The Shakespear­e Rapist, arrived back in his native county just a day after he was released from prison.

Condra, who changed his name to Hassan Selim and converted to Islam in jail, was jailed in 2006 after subjecting a woman to a five-hour attack.

The part-time actor and playwright, nicknamed The Shakespear­e Rapist, is a mere shadow of his former self and sports grey hair tied in a ponytail and a grey beard after his release from Dublin’s Arbour Hill prison.

The depraved 64-year-old monster was taken to a residence in Carlingfor­d, Co Louth. The rapist was driven back to the residence by another person yesterday afternoon.

The twisted sicko was convicted by a jury in 2006 after an 11-day trial at the

Central Criminal Court. He was found guilty of rape, sexual assault, false imprisonme­nt and assault of a woman in Drogheda.

The court heard Condra dragged his victim into a bedroom by her hair, repeatedly raped her and slashed her genitals with a carving knife.

During the trial Det Garda Seamus Nolan from Drogheda told the court: “In 22 years in An Garda Siochana, I have never seen a more vicious or sustained attack.”

The rapist, from Upper Magdalene Street in the Co Louth town, pounced on his victim after a party at his house on November 8, 2003.

He launched his sick assault at around 2am and it lasted for around five hours. During that time the 40-year-old woman, who had only met him that night in a local pub through friends, put up a brave fight.

When everyone else left, she was collecting her belongings when Condra attacked her.

He knelt over her, shouted abuse and ordered her to strip.

She pleaded for him to stop but he refused, ripping off her skirt, one of her boots and her tights.

The woman was held against her will at his flat until around 7am and was raped three or four times.

The victim screamed for help throughout but a neighbour who heard her thought she was having a domestic row.

The victim, who said she thought she would die, cut her hand as she tried to grab the knife in self-defence.

She eventually managed to ring a taxi and the driver took her straight to Drogheda Garda station.

The woman was treated in hospital. She directed gardai to Condra’s flat, where they found the bloodstain­ed knife, blood-soaked walls, headboard, duvet cover and mattress.

Judge Henry Abbott said: “This rape lies at the upper end of the scale of seriousnes­s.

“It is more serious because it is associated with a system of violence... a savage one and a menacing


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 ?? ?? DEPRAVED Francis Condra
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