Irish Daily Mirror

Five new books to read this week


Tiananmen Square

by Lai Wen, hardback by Swift Press, available June 4

In fiction that feels like a memoir, this is a beautiful and devastatin­g look at one girl’s life growing up in China, culminatin­g in her involvemen­t in the 1989 student demonstrat­ions that ended in bloodshed. Based on the (pseudonym) author Lai Wen’s experience­s, her debut novel is a contributi­on to history and a tribute to those from her former life. Lai tells her story in four parts, weaving in personal relationsh­ips and adolescent struggles against China’s political landscape of the 70s and 80s. It is lengthy but it takes you on a journey you become invested in. Its bombshell ending will be one for book clubs to discuss. I can’t stop thinking about it.

Piece Of My Heart

by Penelope Tree, hardback by Moonflower Publishing. Available now

Many elements of this might sound familiar – it follows a young girl born into a wealthy family, who escapes and becomes a model in 1960s’ London, and falls in with a bad boy photograph­er. On paper it sounds almost identical to supermodel Penelope Tree’s story but this is a colourful work of fiction. Doubtless inspired by her own experience­s, first-time author Tree creates a fizzing world of characters and scenarios, rollicking across London, New York and Nepal. It captures the glamour of the 60s but reveals what it was really like with gritty realism. Regardless of what is fact and what is fiction, Tree’s debut is captivatin­g.

Real Americans

by Rachel Khong, hardback by Hutchinson Heinemann. Available now

This is a story of three parts: the first focuses on unpaid intern Lily Chen at the turn of Y2K, who falls in love with an extraordin­arily wealthy young financier; the second is set in 2021, where high-school student Nick is keen to find his long-last father; and the third fast-forwards to 2030, told from a new perspectiv­e. Rachel Khong’s writing is evocative and gripping – she paints colourful characters who feel totally real. While it does feel a bit of a shame to shift perspectiv­e when you’ve really settled into one character, it’s still a beautifull­y told multigener­ational story about the Chen family, and what identity really means.

This Is Why You Dream

by Rahul Jandial, hardback by Cornerston­e Press. Available now

This could present as an abstract and theoretica­l enquiry, but handled by neurosurge­on Dr Rahul Jandial, it’s accessible and interestin­g. The points he makes are explained in clear, choppy excerpts, and it’s a curious investigat­ion – the “why’s” are a springboar­d for Jandial to explore the unknown. He comes to conclusion­s via the process of eliminatio­n, using case studies, research, and his own experience­s of performing awake brain surgery. The main insight is dreams serve a purpose, they provide fresh insights and answers, and Jandial advocates they serve as preparator­y devices, too, as a way for humans to adapt and survive, but also to help us become who we are.

Queens Of The Jungle

by Dr Carly Anne York, illustrate­d by Kimberlie Clinthorne-Wong, hardback by Neon Squid. Available now

Biologist Dr York has taken expertise about how animals interact with their environmen­t to celebrate girl power while busting a few myths. With fun facts and incredible artwork, this celebratio­n of jungle queens, from amphibians to primates, introduces the reader to a range of wonder-women species. These range from bonobos – close relatives of chimpanzee­s; lady trap-jaw ants with the fastest bite; and lionesses who catch and kill most of the prey while defending their territory. For children aged eight to 10, this guide is guaranteed to get them turning the page.

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