Irish Daily Mirror

Pal locked me in car to get me to quit heroin

TV’S Davina recalls life-saving interventi­on

- BY news@irishmirro­ @mirrorjeff­ers

Sarah, left, with Davina


Showbiz Editor

DAVINA Mccall has told how she quit hard drugs after her best friend locked her in a car and confronted her about her habit.

The TV presenter said the muchneeded interventi­on came after years of taking heroin that left her the “subject of every conversati­on”.

Davina, 56, admitted going off the rails and using drugs on a regular basis to try and fill a “hole” in her life.

But she said she knew she had to get clean when her best pal Sarah Hiscox stepped in.

Former Big Brother host Davina said: “It was a bit of a mess and [with heroin] I was very rigid and boundaried about it.

“I left my job because that was the problem – I got worse.

“I left my boyfriend because that was the problem – I got worse… and then I was just left with me. Nobody really wanted to hang out with me. I was one of those people that used to fall asleep at dinner parties.

“[Sarah] got me in a car and we were going to go and see Santana and then she locked the car door.

“She went, ‘I’m not taking you to Santana, I just wanted to talk to you’.

“I’d moved back in with my mum and dad because I had no money and no friends left. I was really kind of just at rock bottom and [Sarah] went, ‘I know you’ve been lying to me, I know you’ve been telling me that you’re clean but I can see you’re not’.

“The thing she said to me was, ‘You are the topic of conversati­on at every dinner I go to, every coffee I have with friends… everywhere I go, you are what we are talking about’.”

Although Davina said her initial reaction was to tell her friend to “f*** off”, she went on to call an addict in recovery to ask if they could meet up.

She told the Stirring It Up podcast: “She was the first person I thought of.

“I cried all night, woke up the next morning, went straight to [Sarah’s] office and took her a bunch of s***ty, cheap flowers as I didn’t have any money and went, ‘I’m not expecting you to believe me, but I do want to get clean’.”

I was a bit of a mess ...nobody wanted to hang out DAVINA MCCALL ON HER DRUG ADDICTION

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TV presenter Davina today
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