Irish Daily Mirror



UNAI EMERY says he will build a squad fit for the Champions League without breaking the bank.

Aston Villa’s boss will sit down with owners Nassef Sawiris (below) and Wes Edens to plan for next season.

Despite the £50million windfall from qualifying for European football’s most prestigiou­s competitio­n, the losses incurred during the last accounting year will weigh heavily on Villa.

The Midlands side will to have to sell before they can buy this summer. Whatever the circumstan­ces, however, Emery says he will operate within financial regulation­s.

He said: “We have to arrange what we are doing with Financial Fair play. Then, through that, we must be intelligen­t and build a new team.

“We are not thinking about signing players. We are trying to be intelligen­t. We have to analyse it deeply. Our budget could be better. We are going to have to be clinical with our decisions.

“But we have to stay within Financial Fair Play rules.

“Then, we build. And we can be intelligen­t and build a strong team to compete in the Champions League, Premier League and the cups.”

Asked if Villa could challenge on two fronts, Emery (above) added: “It’s very difficult. In the middle of the season we played against Manchester City and Arsenal.

“We won both. We were there. But those teams have been amazingly consistent and competitiv­e. I always want to get better. I always have my dreams. I believe in them.

“My objective is to win the Premier League and the Champions League.

“It’s very difficult but I dream with our supporters.”

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