Irish Daily Mirror

€1000 Big Name Crossword


Solve the clues and the shaded squares will spell out words linking FLOELLA BENJAMIN and RICHARD COLES, then call or text the numbers below with your prize words for a chance to win £1000.


1 Baby buggy (9)

6 Because of (6,2)

10 Tactless (6)

15 Vocal piece (7)

16 Precocious girl (5)

17 Archaeolog­ical site in Jordan (5)

18 Hold firmly (5)

19 – Macfarlane, Family Guy creator (4)

20 Greek island (6)

21 Stud animal (8)

22 Large number (4)

25 In need of money (4,2)

26 Cash register (4)

28 Reckless people (9)

29 Hard contest (6)

31 Island (4)

32 Puts back (8)

36 Cooker (4)

37 Conflictin­g (8)

39 Bus terminal (5)

42 Marcel –, French mime artist (7)

44 Following now (9)

46 Fete game (7)

48 Medicinal drink (5)

50 Frightenin­g (8)

51 Brandy classifica­tion (inits) 53 Alpine cable cars (3,5)

55 Counterfoi­l (4)

57 Timber decay (3,3)

59 Hesitant (9)

61 Mine shaft (4)

62 Kazakhstan’s capital (6)

66 Single currency (4)

67 Avian sustenance (8)

69 American city (6)

70 Horse breed (4)

74 Cursed (5)

75 Teacher (5)

76 Large browsing mammal (5) 77 Cleaned feathers (7)

78 Skin stitch (6)

79 Constituti­ng a certainty (6-2) 80 Wig or toupee (9)


1 Ice hockey discs (5)

2 Roman official (7)

3 Shellfish (4)

4 – Christie, British crime novelist (6)

5 Cure (6)

6 Rise and fall of seas (5)

7 Truce (9)

8 Tenth Greek letter (5)

9 Whole amount (8)

11 2012 Ben Affleck film (4)

12 Early form of bus (9)

13 Unmasks (7)

14 Military aircraft (6)

23 Target’s centre (5-3)

24 Followed closely (6)

25 Loathe (4)

27 Person keeping watch (7)

30 Highland dress item (7)

33 Rowing team (5)

34 GPS system (6)

35 Level (4)

38 Sacred hymn (5)

40 Thrive (7)

41 Attacks (6)

43 Incapable (5)

44 Take in aurally (4)

45 Nile Delta port city (7)

47 Have doubts about (8)

49 Culminatin­g point (6)

52 Sicilian volcano (4)

54 Closest to the centre (9)

56 Eye covering (9)

58 Private feud (8)

59 Locks of hair (7)

60 Fools (6)

63 Orchestrat­e (7)

64 Impish (6)

65 De facto capital of Taiwan (6) 68 Sign up (5)

69 Attracted (5)

71 Repair badly (5)

72 Legal inheritor (4)

73 Profound (4)

 ?? ??

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