Irish Daily Mirror

Serrano’s claim riles ace Taylor


KATIE TAYLOR has rubbished Amanda Serrano’s claim that she lost the first fight between the pair two years ago.

Taylor was named the winner via split-decision following an epic lightweigh­t fight at Madison Square Garden in April 2022.

Two judges scored the bout in her favour, 97-93 and 96-93, while the other had it 96-94 for Serrano.

The pair will do battle again in the co-main event to Mike Tyson’s controvers­ial fight with Jake Paul on July 20 at the home of the Dallas Cowboys, the 80,000-seater AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas.

And they came face-to-face yesterday in the Lone Star State, with Serrano again claiming she should have been called the winner in New York (below).

She said: “I’ve been saying it for a long time. I believe I won that fight. You can ask the audience who won that fight. You can even ask your Irish people who won that fight. I respect

Katie. She’s a great champion. I need a great dance partner and Katie is that partner but deep down inside I know I won that fight.”

However, Taylor hit back at the claim, stating that the “right winner won” before warning Serrano that she feels like “a better fighter this time around”.

The pair will meet at the heavier weight of 140lbs this summer for the super-lightweigh­t world titles the Bray woman won by beating Chantelle Cameron last November.

Taylor added: “I plan to do the same thing on July 20. I’m sitting beside Mike Tyson here. This is the winner’s table right here.

“I feel like I’m a better fighter this time around. I’m smarter, I’m stronger, I’m better in every way. I took her biggest shots at the first fight. I take confidence and reassuranc­e from that.

“I’ll be at my very, very best and we’ll see who the better fighter is.”

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 ?? ?? COUNTDOWN Taylor (left) & Serrano meet yesterday
COUNTDOWN Taylor (left) & Serrano meet yesterday

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