Irish Daily Mirror

Maddie suspect calorie moans

Brueckner diet too high in fat says his lawyer

- BY MARTIN FRICKER in Braunschwe­ig, Germany news@irishmirro­ @martinfric­ker

MADELEINE Mccann suspect Christian Brueckner moaned yesterday that his prison meals are making him fat.

The convicted paedophile’s lawyers launched an astonishin­g rant in court about his “highcalori­e” packed lunches.

They also complained that he is not getting hot showers.

Brueckner is standing trial in Braunschwe­ig on rape and sexual assault charges.

The court is 200 miles from the prison in Oldenburg where he is serving a seven-year term for a different rape, so Brueckner, 48, is held in a prison in nearby Sehnde when he is due at court hearings.

His lawyer Philipp Marquort complained to

Judge Ute Engemann yesterday: “He is being given high-calorie food. It is a massive high-calorie intake. And he is forced to have cold showers.”

He said later his client typically got eight slices of toast with cheese per day, and that the previous day he got just two packages of turkey sausage with no bread at all.

He added: “We demand he is given a hot meal when he comes here, and a hot shower.”

The judge said it was not the court’s responsibi­lity but that he would raise it with jail bosses.

Brueckner denies three rapes and two sexual assaults in Portugal from

2000 to 2017.

Irish holiday rep

Hazel Behan, 40, told the court earlier this week the German raped her in 2004.

She has said in court she recognised Brueckner in a photo years later, and alerted Scotland Yard in 2020 after he was named a suspect in the Mccann case.

Though not on trial for it, Brueckner is the prime suspect in the disappeara­nce of Madeleine, who vanished from her parents’ holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, in the Algarve, on May 3, 2007 aged almost four.

The German denies any involvemen­t.

His trial for the other offences continues.

 ?? ?? ROW His jail food meat pack and Brueckner yesterday
ROW His jail food meat pack and Brueckner yesterday
 ?? ?? MISSING Madeleine Mccann
MISSING Madeleine Mccann

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