Irish Daily Mirror


- horoscopes

Aries March 21–April 20

You had prepared for a day of do-it-yourself and other home projects. What you hadn’t expected was to have to entertain visitors arriving at your door. As much as a surprise their arrival might be, your wonderful sense of humour and friendly personalit­y makes you the perfect host.

For more call 01560 932201

Taurus April 21 – May 21

Arguments in the family will never be resolved if none of you make an effort to see each other’s point of view. Accusing someone of being stubborn will make them rightfully angry. It’s not as if your attitude is helping. Alter your approach. Be polite and show willingnes­s to reach a compromise. For more call 01560 932202

Gemini May 22 –June 21

You’re trying hard not to be reckless even though you’re tempted to make an impulsive move. If you’re thinking about leaving your job, what is the reason behind you wanting to quit? Will it be possible for you to change the situation to make it less stressful for you?

For more call 01560 932203

Cancer June 22 –July 23

Even if it looks as if a complicate­d task isn’t going right, don’t give up on it now. Keep trying. You have friends in high places and you will soon hear some good news from someone who has been working in the background on your behalf. You will be glad you decided to stick it out.

For more call 01560 932204


An online conversati­on will get you thinking about a situation you have been taking for granted. You have been accepting certain conditions because it seems to be the done thing. Now you realise differentl­y. There are other views to take into account and this is a good time to think about this.

For more call 01560 932205

July 24 – August 23

Virgo Aug 24 – Sept 23

New possibilit­ies are starting to open up for you. Some of these you will not have expected. You need to put some careful thought into what to do next as this may mean big changes are ahead for you. Talk to people in your life whose views are important to you.

For more call 01560 932206


Sept 24–Oct 23 Problems you have to deal with early on will be quickly rectified and then forgotten about. An important email or text message will need a quick reply. An in-law will pay you a long overdue visit and because this is unexpected, it will be a surprising­ly relaxing one.

For more call 01560 932207

Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22

A close relationsh­ip needs rather delicate handling. A partner is going through a difficult time and although you might feel you’ve heard enough of the same subject, bite your lip. Be patient and think of something to distract them and take their mind off their problems.

For more call 01560 932208


Nov 23 – Dec 21

If things get a little out of hand during a group or family outing, keep your thoughts to yourself. If you do make any comments, you might wish you had never opened your mouth when suddenly everyone will turn against you. Turn to your best friend for advice or comfort.

For more call 01560 932209

Capricorn Dec 22 –Jan 20

An older relative will refuse to discuss a health problem or medical matter. Don’t push them. Instead, agree to leave it. To keep the peace in a group environmen­t, avoid subjects that you know from past experience are likely to cause conflict. Your upbeat attitude is admirable.

For more call 01560 932210

Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19

Don’t be too quick to act on plan A without a solid plan B in place. A partner will refuse to discuss their thoughts with you and will just do what they please in the moment. You are right to be more cautious. Decisions you make now will have an impact on your future path.

For more call

01560 932211

Pisces Feb 20 – Mar 20

After an interestin­g and busy week, it will be a relief to meet up with your closest friends. Everyone has just one aim and that’s to enjoy yourselves to the fullest. Are you single? Someone you meet who is in tune with your thoughts, beliefs and ideas will want to see you again.

For more call 01560 932212

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