Irish Daily Mirror

€1000 Big Name Crossword


Solve the clues and the shaded squares will spell out words linking KOURTNEY KARDASHIAN and THERESA MAY, then call or text the numbers below with your prize words for a chance to win £1000.


1 Biblical character (6)

4 Mine shaft (4)

7 Pacifies (5)

10 Stalks (5)

14 Distinguis­hed (2,4)

15 Weapon type (10)

16 Music and dance event (7) 17 Free from dirt (5)

18 – Hodgson, football

manager (3)

19 Funeral stand (4)

20 Musical by Rodgers and

Hammerstei­n (8)

23 Horrifying (8)

25 Elections (5)

26 Sharpshoot­er (6)

28 Verse (6)

29 Bomb thrown by hand (7) 32 – Crüe, US heavy metal

band (6)

34 Become plumper (4,3)

36 Left pending (2,4)

38 Located (6)

40 Italian wine region (4)

41 – Tindall, niece of King

Charles (4)

42 List of jurors (5)

44 Discourteo­us (4)

46 Thought (4)

47 Scandinavi­an nation (6) 49 Capital of Taiwan (6)

50 Caribbean island (7)

52 Is alive (6)

53 Communicat­ion (7)

55 Hair highlight (6)

59 Will Smith film, I Am – (6) 60 50-50 chance (5)

62 Buying and selling of

goods (8)

65 Bird (5,3)

67 Eager (4)

68 Damage (3)

69 – Lawson, New Tricks

actor (5)

71 Mean (7)

73 Unique (10)

74 Unfasten (6)

75 Cheerful (5)

76 Jetties (5)

77 Croon (4)

78 Perceives (6)


1 Exhibits (9)

2 American state (9)

3 Denise Van –, actress and

presenter (5)

5 Northern Irish city (5)

6 Food-carrying aid (4)

7 Genetic copies (6)

8 Boy (3)

9 Gregarious (6)

10 Glide over snow (3)

11 Discharges (5)

12 Learned (9)

13 Practical (6)

18 Tenant’s payment (4)

21 Footballin­g blunder (3,4) 22 Ripped (4)

24 Musical instrument (5)

27 Canine crime-fighter (6,3) 30 – Cameron, Scottish

comedian (5)

31 Describe in detail (9)

33 – James, US jazz singer (4) 34 Dreads (5)

35 Writing (9)

37 Pelvis (3)

39 Capital of Bangladesh (5) 43 Prune (3)

44 Regretting (5)

45 Deceased (4)

48 Obsolete (7)

51 Channing –, Magic Mike

actor (5)

52 Praises highly (9)

54 Submerged (4)

56 Mistaken (9)

57 Mementos (9)

58 Hearty laugh (4)

61 – Jones, former footballer

and actor (6)

63 Put in order (4,2)

64 Deserves (6)

66 Encourage (3,2)

68 Fruit type (5)

69 Art form (5)

70 Battering devices (4)

72 Climbing plant (3)

73 Frozen water (3)

 ?? ??

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