Irish Daily Mirror

Government mission end decision is slammed


POLITICIAN­S yesterday praised the heroism of Irish soldiers who helped keep the peace in Syria for a decade – but slammed the Government’s decision to end the vital mission.

TDS spoke out as the 133-strong 68th Infantry Group arrived home to Dublin Airport, at the end of a six-month tour of duty with the United Nations on the Golan area of separation between Israel and Syria.

We have had soldiers there since 2013 – but the 68th was the last large scale Irish presence in the area.

The decision to end the mission was taken because of the reduced size of the Defence Forces – and need to provide some 340 soldiers for UNIFIL in neighbouri­ng Lebanon as well as 174 personnel for an EU Battle Group of which Ireland will be part for the next two years.


Just 10 years ago, the Defence Forces strength was over 10,500 – but is now 7,500.

Independen­t Kildare South TD Cathal Berry – a former Defence Forces officer and member of the Army Ranger Wing – said the decision to end the mission was a failure.

He added: “It’s not a failure by the troops. Loads of lives were saved and the job was done to an exceptiona­lly high standard. So that was a complete success.

“But what is really disappoint­ing is, the only reason they’re being withdrawn is because we just can’t fulfil that mission any more because of lack of personnel.”

And Sinn Fein defence spokesman Matt Carthy: “This withdrawal has happened at a time when a commitment to peace in that region is more important than ever.

“More personnel have left the Defence Forces than joined every year since this Government came to office.”

 ?? Deputy Cathal Berry ?? CRITICAL
Deputy Cathal Berry CRITICAL

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