Irish Daily Mirror


»»Two sacked over killing of 7 aid workers »»Netanyahu to open crossings amid US pressure

- BY CHRIS HUGHES news@irishmirro­ @defencechr­is

TWO officers behind the Israeli airstrike that killed seven aid workers have been sacked and three others reprimande­d.

It comes as Israel promised to allow more aid into Gaza, including opening key crossings in the north.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the move after the US told him that American support for his nation would be under threat unless more is done to avoid harming civilians in Gaza.

Officials say the five military personnel mishandled informatio­n and violated Israel Defence Forces rules of engagement.

Releasing preliminar­y details from its probe into the killings, the IDF said: investigat­ion’s findings indicate the incident should not have occurred.”

It added that three World Central Kitchen aid vehicles delivering food were targeted as Israeli forces wrongly identified them as having Hamas operatives inside.

The IDF said: “The strike on the aid vehicles is a grave mistake stemming from a serious failure due to a mistaken identifica­tion, errors in decision-making and an attack contrary to the standing operating procedures.

“The strikes on the three vehicles were in serious violation of the commands.”

America’s president Joe Biden has warned Mr Netanyahu that continued

US support for the war depends on Israel taking more care to avoid harm coming to aid workers and Gazan civilians. Many people there are now starving.

Israeli officials say the Erez border crossing between Israel and northern Gaza will open for the first time since the Hamas attacks of October 7.

Aid will also temporaril­y be allowed through the Port of Ashdod.

And officials said they are planning to increase the amount of aid from Jordan via the Kerem Shalom crossing. There were no details on the quantities to be let in.

The US has given military aid and diplomatic support for Israel’s sixmonth war against Hamas.

But Israel faces growing interna“the

tional isolation after its forces killed the aid workers.

And all military leave has been cancelled in anticipati­on of an Iranian revenge attack for a strike that killed seven of Tehran’s officers in Damascus.

Officials in Gaza say its death toll is 33,000. Women and children make up two-thirds of the dead Palestinia­ns.

The top United Nations court has concluded there is a “plausible risk of genocide” in Gaza – a charge Israel strongly denies – while the UN Security Council has issued a legally binding demand for a ceasefire.

On October 7, Hamas stormed into Israel, killing 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and taking 250 hostages.

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 ?? ?? ATTACK One of the aid vehicles Israel targeted
ATTACK One of the aid vehicles Israel targeted
 ?? ?? HUNGER Kids in a refugee camp in Gaza
HUNGER Kids in a refugee camp in Gaza

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