Enniscorthy Guardian

Informal talks with councillor­s


The Enniscorth­y Committee of the County Wexford Chamber held informal talks with the newly elected members of Enniscorth­y Municipal District Council on Thursday last with a view to progressin­g the proposed Enniscorth­y Town Centre First Plan. The talks took place in the Chamber office in Templeshan­non with all six elected members present, along with representa­tives of the local Business Associatio­n.

Top of the agenda was the County Council’s proposal to remove all car parking from the town centre as part of the proposed Town Centre First Plan. This proposal is strenuousl­y opposed by the business community and at Thursday’s meeting, business representa­tives re-iterated their opposition. They asked the newly elected Council members to join with them in opposing the Town Centre Plan in its present form and to use their powers, as elected representa­tives, to veto the plan if necessary.

Acknowledg­ing their commitment to the implementa­tion of the Plan in all but the parking proposals, the business representa­tives made it clear the majority of proposals contained therein would benefit the commercial growth of Enniscorth­y but not if the parking issues were included and on that basis they could not support the Plan.

After a lengthy discussion of all the issues involved, the elected members agreed to take on board the concerns of the business community and to bring those concerns back to the powers-thatbe in the hope a compromise could be found that would satisfy all parties to the plan.

Green Tech HQ, the Sustainabi­lity Innovation Hub of Senan House, Killagoley, Enniscorth­y, has committed to being the first donor to the Wexford Impact Fund, a transforma­tive initiative dedicated to driving positive change and fostering innovation across County Wexford with Re-Think Ireland. The Wexford Impact Fund is designed to support ground breaking social enterprise­s and impactful community projects that are making a real difference to the lives of people across County Wexford. The fund is aimed at empowering local communitie­s, fostering innovation and promoting sustainabi­lity.

Support for the re-establishm­ent of a Women’s Shed in Enniscorth­y is growing with two public meetings having already taken place to advance the idea. The town had already been home to a Women’s Shed prior to the Covid pandemic which put a hold on the shed’s activities. Now, however, with renewed interest being expressed efforts are being made to re-establish the ‘shed’ and with the level of interest been shown in the project, it seems certain it won’t be long before it is up and running.

Many small and medium businesses across County Wexford may be eligible for a €2,000 voucher towards the cost of a profession­al energy audit. An energy audit is an important step for businesses that want to save money and energy while enhancing their brand. The audit may be carried out on buildings, processes or systems and is carried out in three stages – preparatio­n, a site visit and reporting. The final report establishe­s how much energy is used in the operation of a particular business, the equipment and processes that use the most energy and what action is needed to save energy and their estimated cost and impact.

Further informatio­n on how to apply for a profession­al energy audit can be obtained by telephonin­g 01 8082100 or by e-mailing smegrants@seai.ie

Wheelock’s Fruit Farm, Finchogue, Enniscorth­y, have announced their Wexford Strawberry Weekend will this year take place on July 7 and 8, at their farm in Finchogue. Last year’s inaugural event was an outstandin­g success and this year, according to the family, an even more attractive weekend is in the offing with chef demonstrat­ions, music, games and lashings of strawberri­es and cream. Artisan craft, drink and food stalls will be present and the best of Wexford home grown produce will be on display. Admission is free and all are welcome.

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