Business Plus

A Sense of Confidence


Cork’s vibrant economy has become a world-leading destinatio­n for global companies, providing a platform for indigenous private firms to scale.

Ireland’s second city is now recognised as a hub for life sciences, profession­al and financial services, and technology businesses.

“It is at the heart of our national ecosystem with an offering that continues to win,” says Ronan Murray, managing partner at EY’s Cork office and corporate finance (M&A) partner at EY Ireland. “It is also considered the food capital of Ireland with a thriving agri sector and is one of the most popular tourism destinatio­ns,” he adds.

Murray says there is a real “sense of optimism and confidence” in the Irish and local economy. He points to strong foreign direct investment and job creation across the region.

“Despite some changes to the economic environmen­t and a sometimes unstable global geopolitic­al landscape, we continue to successful­ly respond and experience both growth and expansion in this region,” he says.

“The responsive­ness and resilience shown to these challenges that are replicated in other similar modern advanced economies continue to encourage innovation and flexibilit­y in these times of social, climate and technologi­cal change.”

He predicts the regional M&A market is “poised for further growth”, with significan­t interest in Irish assets.

“I expect to see a continued positive shift on deal volumes and value over the next 12-18 months in Cork and the Munster region that mirrors the national transactio­ns landscape,” he says.

Murray says EY’s Cork office on Lapps Quay offers a range of services to national and internatio­nal clients across the public and private sector.

“The office hosts a national pensions centre of excellence and has a rapidly growing footprint in the areas of artificial intelligen­ce, data analytics, and life sciences,” he says.

EY’s Munster footprint has grown over recent years, with 425 people now working in its Cork office.

 ?? ?? Ronan Murray, managing partner at EY’s Cork Office and corporate finance (M&A) partner at EY Ireland
Ronan Murray, managing partner at EY’s Cork Office and corporate finance (M&A) partner at EY Ireland

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