Business Plus

Cumming Group Expands European Presence with Scollard Doyle Integratio­n

A name change marks the final stage for Ireland’s Scollard Doyle as it becomes part of internatio­nal project management and cost consultanc­y firm Cumming Group, continuing its ambitious global growth


“The move just made sense,” says Derek Hutchison, President & CEO of Cumming Group on the addition of constructi­on consultanc­y services company Scollard Doyle to its business. Since its inception in the USA in 1996, Cumming Group has grown to become the largest independen­t provider of project management and cost consultanc­y services in North America. Over the years, it has gained significan­t presence in the UK and Europe too, reflecting its ambitions as a global business, through acquisitio­n and organic growth.

As of July, Scollard Doyle will complete its integratio­n into Cumming Group, with the rebrand representi­ng the final step in a journey of nearly three years. The structure and team will remain as is, ensuring continuity of service to Scollard Doyle’s clients. Barry Doyle, who founded the company together with

Michael Scollard in 2010, has been in the role of Cumming Group Ireland Managing Director for a year and a half.

“When it came to firms to invest in the business, we screened a number of companies for cultural fit, strategic ambition and sector expertise but only Cumming Group matched all three,” says Doyle. “What we’ve gained in being part of a larger organisati­on is it allows us as directors to focus on first-class service delivery, while benefiting from their strategic approach to functions like Marketing, Finance and HR.”

Hutchison adds that it was hugely important to continue to have the directors of Scollard Doyle leading this part of the Cumming Group business. “Strong local, in-market leadership is critical in our business and our clients and team members continue to benefit from this continuity,” he says.

The move has given Cumming Group valuable presence in the Irish market for the first time as it continues its European expansion. There’s a cordial Celtic connection to be felt throughout the two businesses as they come together — Scollard Doyle was founded in Dublin, while Hutchison hails from Glasgow. Explaining the appeal of the Irish firm and market, Hutchison says: “Scollard Doyle has built an amazing reputation for delivering quality service on some of the most complex programmes across Ireland. For us, Dublin is a strategic launchpad for Europe and the cultural fit was seamless.”

Cumming Group’s approach to the continuity of Scollard Doyle’s leadership is clearly evident. The two companies are perfectly in step, with many shared values, especially around global growth. There’s a commonalit­y to leadership approach, as Doyle explains: “It might be a new name for us, but it’s the same mentality. We are proud to now share the Cumming Group name and pursue our shared vision to be the most trusted team in the built environmen­t.”

“It’s essential to have employees who are knowledgea­ble about the business, the services it offers and how t o deliver them. Our clients have the support from all the people in the business and they in turn have the support of myself and the wider team. We are a director-led culture — if I go to pitches, that means I’m part of the project team. And it’s the same for all of our directors. We all have the attitude that no project is too challengin­g or too complex, and that’s something that we will always retain.”

Testament to this is the fact that over 75% of Scollard Doyle’s revenue is from repeat clients. This client-centric approach, of course, wouldn’t be possible without its 50-strong team who work out of offices in Dublin and Cork.

“Employee satisfacti­on is the cornerston­e of our business. We’ve always had great staff who believe in us and trust us and, likewise, we trust them,” says Doyle. “Their commitment and expertise has helped us gain our reputation for being industry leaders in project management and cost management in Ireland; they have supported our growth and ultimately got us to this point and to joining Cumming Group, and it is the wider team who are responsibl­e for driving the business today. It’s not about me as an individual, it’s about every person.

“Through Cumming Group, we now can double down on our Learning & Developmen­t programmes to the benefit of our employees and ultimately to our clients.”

The Irish contingent will be able to tap into a wider pool of expertise and best practice within Cumming Group’s broader global business, or as Doyle put it in no-nonsense fashion: “Bringing more added value than crunching numbers or issuing a programme.”

That said, there are reciprocal learnings that Scollard Doyle is bringing to Cumming Group. These include advancemen­ts in technologi­es such as modular constructi­on in the housing sector, knowledge of the Irish market and of Europe, and specialise­d expertise in key industries including data centres.

Hutchison reflects on this internatio­nal intent: “Given the connection­s we now have, we’ve got an amazing platform to build on. We have been focussing on sectors such as data centres, life sciences, pharmaceut­ical and manufactur­ing, which has allowed us to accelerate our global ambitions. There are also many macro trends such as ageing infrastruc­ture, decarbonis­ation, the move to electrific­ation as well as the impact of AI that is driving a lot of innovation. There’s a lot of opportunit­y ahead of us and we’re now well placed to benefit from those tailwinds.”

Doyle adds: “The real success story for me has been the collaborat­ion, particular­ly at leadership level: where the sharing of knowledge, expertise and local market intel has been invaluable.”

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 ?? ?? Cumming Group Ireland management team, from left to right: James O’Brien, Director; David Bernie, Director; Michael Scollard, Director; Barry Doyle, Managing Director; Stephen Kilroy, Director Project Management; David Johnston, Director; and Glenn Wall Finance Director
Cumming Group Ireland management team, from left to right: James O’Brien, Director; David Bernie, Director; Michael Scollard, Director; Barry Doyle, Managing Director; Stephen Kilroy, Director Project Management; David Johnston, Director; and Glenn Wall Finance Director
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 ?? ?? Left: Barry Doyle, Managing Director Cumming Group Ireland Right: Derek Hutchison, President & CEO of Cumming Group
Left: Barry Doyle, Managing Director Cumming Group Ireland Right: Derek Hutchison, President & CEO of Cumming Group

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